Let's Start...

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Dominator wanted the bots to hurry. She didn't wanna wait here forever. Then, by surprise, one of her bots came back with a bunch of materials. 

"Great yeah whatever. WHERE ARE THE OTHERS???" she shouted with impatience. The bot then responded, "Still scouting." She rubbed her temples. Why were her bots so slow. She missed bot 13. But he was worth destroying because he was practically a useless piece of junk to her right after befriending Wander. But he was her best bot. She started to walk on the bare, cold planet she was settled on. This would be the perfect planet for her to work on her ship, maybe even later on destroy it.

Then, after enough thinking her bots finally came back. The materials they had were perfect. She was unstoppable. She hated being nice and didn't wanna say it but, "Good job, I guess. Anyway, forget I ever said that! You guys got my materials but you're not done. You're gonna help me build whether you like it or not. It's not like you have feelings anyway, you're just a bunch of hunks of metal created by the one and only!" Then, she pointed to herself and smiled. She was so thankful her bots were there for her but was she gonna show her feelings? No way.

Then, they immediately got to work, starting with blue prints. Her sketch was sorta the same as her old ship but more secure and less destructible. No one, not even that sly Wander would try and sneak into her ship without being obliterated by her bots. The second they even got near the ship, it was gonna be their mistake.

Then, she got to work at the base of her ship while her bots were working on tons and tons of weapons. When her previous ship was destroyed all her good weapons were gone. That was rather saddening but now, she could create even stronger ones! She was gonna destroy that sensitive galaxy they were on and leave no survivors. The human world especially.

Her ship was only half done after a few hours of hard work and effort, by also the assistance of her bots. No one was gonna let her down like they did in the past. She wasn't gonna be in the lowest of the top ten villains anymore. She was gonna show them. Show them that she wouldn't stop striking no matter what gets in her way. A lot of people had teased her because of how easily her ship got destroyed by Hater and how weak she seemed. But not anymore.

She decided to get some rest but then again, sleep was for the weak for her. She decided to stay up and just think...

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