Finding Jobs (Wander)

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Wander wanted to find a job that seemed appealing. He had a lot of musical talent so he thought that maybe playing his banjo and performing to audience sounded nice. A lot of folks in his galaxy seemed to like the music he played and found it rather catchy. If he could play for some of his galaxy he could definitely play for these humans. He decided to try and find a place where he could just sit somewhere crowded and start playing.

He walked through the streets in the hustling, bustling town and found a park. There seemed to be little kids running around the place, having tons of fun. There were some parents walking by with their strollers, looking at Wander oddly. But he didn't seem to mind. He pulled out his banjo from the strap behind his back and tried to look for the right tone. Once that was settled he slowly began to play. Some people looked over in his direction out of curiosity.

"♫Oh, Wander over Yonder

And check out this and that

If you Wander over Yonder
Best be sure to wear your hat

All the things that you will see
And you certainly will be free
If you Wander over Yonder,
Just you and me!

If the darkness comes a-creepin
And you're feelin' down
Just Wander over Yonder
And turn your life around!

Oh, Wander over Yonder
Be sure to lend a hand

All your helpful, friendly good deeds,
Will spread across the land

All your helpful, friendly good deeds
Will spread across the land!♫"

Everyone seemed to enjoy the music and started applauding. Wander had his hat on the ground just in case anyone wanted to donate some money and people started rushing towards him as he played and put in a few dollar bills and coins. But with everyone else's money combined, it was just enough. He just had to do this more often. Maybe compose new songs. Kind of like a daily routine.

"Thank you, thank you! More next time, new songs! Thank you!" he said with a wave and a goodbye as he was heading out the gates of the park.

"I've seen him before as I was walking to work." "That orange furry weirdo sure knows how to sing, eh?" "Where is he from?" Everyone in the park seemed to be talking about his performance. 

Quite a show....

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