What's The Plan?

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Dominator was so ready to destroy that pathetic little galaxy. But how? Her ship was destroyed and she didn't have any bots left, except for Bot 100. But then again, one bot wasn't gonna destroy The Milky Way. 

"How am I supposed to do that? I have nothing. I only have one bot left and no ship." she said, whining. Then, she heard someone else approaching her. Then more. And more. Was that more of her bots? But how?

"You guys are still here? But you were disabled once the ship was destroyed." But then she remembered how she built them. If the ship were ever destroyed, which she never thought would happen, they would be disabled for a short while. But unless their creator were still alive, they'd still be the same as they were always. But then again, in order to get to that galaxy she needed a way of transportation. A factory. That's where she built her ship. At an old factory.

She had a spark of an idea. Maybe if she went to the same factory she worked on her ship from before she could make her bots scout for materials and help her build. She could have more bots. Starting from scratch, well kinda. But she needed another way to destroy the planets. Not by drilling into them but to blast them into oblivion. A ray gun of some sort.

This was perfect. She'd be more powerful than ever! Both Wander and his little group were completely unaware.

"Bots! Scout for materials, you know the drill!" she shouted. Yet another domination was hers once again...

"Ugh ewww Wander get off!" shouted Hater, trying to push Wander away. But Wander kept clinging. How could he possibly not hug any of his friends, even for one second? Peepers and Sylvia rolled their eyes. They each had their own little idiot.

"So what are you guys thinking of doing on this planet? I mean it ain't really the best." said Sylvia, putting Peepers in headlock. Peepers grumbled in pure annoyance. Even though they were considered to be enemies that didn't mean they couldn't get along once in a while. Peepers shrugged slightly and Sylvia let him go. 

They decided to sit near the pond and have a quick little chat. Wander then decided to play the banjo, one of his favorite songs, "If You Wander Over Yonder". It was a rather special song. I described his trips with Sylvia. It was a song he first played when him and Sylvia met. It had its memories.

For the first time, Hater actually nodded to the rhythm and tapped his foot to the beat. Peepers shook his head from side to side. Wander had a very good taste in country music and enjoyed playing it for others. 

"So where should we go?" said Sylvia right after the applause for Wander's song. 

"I have no idea, Syl. This place is amazing, why not get some grub?" Wander said, his stomach rumbling in hunger. They all nodded and went into town. More and more people were scared of what they saw. A walking, talking skeleton and an eyeball shortie? Was this cosplay? But it looked so real.

"Ugh what are they looking at." whispered Peepers. "They have their own eyeballs too. isn't this normal?" Sylvia shook her head no and looked down at the ground. They were seen as outcasts probably on this strange planet. Wander didn't seem to mind though. He waved at everyone and smiled.

"Hey guys look! What's that place called McDonalds? It looks so cool!" pointed Hater at a restaurant across the street. They all looked at the place in unison, their eyes shining. They didn't eat for a while due to traveling so this was totally worth it. They started ordering some food and luckily, due to Peepers wits, he had some human currency! They didn't know where he got it from but that didn't matter. What mattered was that there was food and their stomachs were full.

Life here on Earth maybe wasn't gonna be so bad. Maybe they can try and find a job or something!

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