Playing Around

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-Two days after Insertion-

"I never knew letting my imagination run wild would help me." Avery muttered, holding out a detached screen belonging to the TSM. He was sitting against the wall of where he first spawned.

When he decided to go back to the 'help' section of the TSM, he was swarmed with tutorials for various things. There were things like, but not limited to: recall NPCs, recall props, the aforementioned fast weapon switch, parts of the TSM, and accessing a more..."advanced" UI. The latter was interesting, saying that it was recently updated or something like that. Unfortunately, he needed to have an Internet connection to download the schematics.

He cussed out the Brothers after that happened, so he decided to go for more 'better' options...which was a way to detach the screen. His excuse is that his arm was getting tired.

Avery sighed, exasperated. Apparently to switch weapons without going through a painful menu, he had to imagine the weapon being in his hand, and it'll materialize. However, it'll only work with weapons and tools in his current inventory, so he'll need to remember what is in his inventory. Imagining things seem to be the way to swiftly go through without a menu, but imaginations

Although it is pretty useful, he would need to keep his powers a secret; not because of the fear of getting questioned once he gets out of this Grimm-infested expansion, but because it would give him an advantage by surprising the enemy with a different weapon.

'Okay, let's test this out.' Avery thought as he stood up, holding out his right hand. 'Alright...imagine the weapon in my hand...'

He should still have his longsword, so he closed his eyes to concentrate. A clear image was in his mind, it was of the sword being in his hand, it's blade shining due to the afternoon sunlight flooding through the window. Avery heard a weird 'switch' sound and a familiar weight on his right hand; in response, he opened his eyes.

The longsword was there, firmly gripped by his hand. He hummed understandingly, before holding the longsword as if it was sheathed against his hip. "Well, that worked better than expected."

Avery made a mental note on practicing with his eyes open, since he would need to act on the spot during a fight. There was still more tutorials to be done, most of them pertaining to NPCs, so he made his way out the door.

This is going to be a long day...or week, depends on how ballsy Salem decides to get.


"Okay, that's not surprising at all." Avery mumbled to himself, stepping over the smoking corpse of a beowolf. He was wearing a fully charged HEV suit.

He passed some Vortigaunts, who looked at him curiously. "Vortigaunts zap the shit out of Grimm..."

"And companions..." Father Grigori, Barney, and Alyx looked at him. "...are reliable, may spam them when I want to."

Nodding to himself, he sent the group he spawned to support the Combine forces while spawning in six Antlions and a Pheropod. The giant insects immediately took a liking to the pod he's holding, chittering loudly. Avery thought of their behavior being like enthralled pets, with how they looked and surrounded him.

"Alright, chill." He said, lifting the pod out and preparing to throw it. "Go over there."

He threw it inside a small building, the loud droning of wings reached his ears, and the six Antlions flew right through the windows. Avery was now stumped on something, namely how to get another Pheropod. In the OG game, there were unlimited throws, but where do they come from?

So he started thinking, and decided that reaching into his pocket or at least pretending to will work. He had no idea if that's how it works, but the viewmodel animations was the only thing evidence he had of how it works. After his hand hovered over his thigh, he got his confirmation; it works.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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