Chapter 2 - Mom?!

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*******Autumn's POV*******
I sighed. I read for the rest of school. The bell rung and I ran out the door. I got to the bus and sat in the back, trying to be invisible. I put my earbuds in and blasted "Invisible" by Hunter Hayes in them. I listened closely to the lyrics. (I'm not gonna write the lyrics lol) I was halfway through the song when my earbuds got yanked out. I looked over to see Jerome smirking.

"What?" I said quietly.

"What're you listening to?" He asked.

"Nothing.." I said back.

"Lemme see." He said yanking my phone out of my hand. "God this is crap music." He said. He threw my phone on the ground, cracking the screen. I just picked it up and ignored him. "Hey! Don't ignore me! You know it gets worse when you ignore me." He said. He then raised his fist and punched me, making me hit my head on the window.

Luckily, my stop was here and I scrambled out stumbling to my house. I walked in and sat my backpack down. I went into the bathroom. I covered up the bruises and wiped the blood. I sat down and started watching tv. About half an hour later I got a phone call. I answered it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi. Is this Autumn Green?" The person asked.

"Um.. Yes. Who is this?" I asked.

"Hi! This is the hospital. Your mothers flight went down. She's in critical condition." She replied.

"What?" I whispered, my voice shaking.

"I'm so sorry. We will do all we can to save her." She replied.

"Okay. I'll be right there." I replied, then hung up. I dialed Andy, my brother.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Andy?" I replied quietly sobbing.

"Autumn? What's wrong?" He asked.

"I-it's mom. She's in th-the.. H-hospital. Meet me there." I said then hung up.

*******Andy's POV*******
My phone rung. I told my best friend Zack I'd be right back.

"Hello?" I said.

"Andy?" I hear Autumn say with a shaky voice. She was crying.

"Autumn? What's wrong?" I asked with concern.

"I-it's mom. She's in th-the.. H-hospital. Meet me there." She said then hung up.

"WHAT?!" I yelled.

Zack ran in. "Dude. What's wrong?"

"My mom. She's in the hospital." I answered putting my shoes on and grabbing my skateboard. I rushed out the door and went to the hospital I saw Autumn about to go in.

"Autumn!" I yelled. She turned around with a tear stained face. I rode up to her and jumped off. I gave her a bear hug and we went in.

"Um. Hi. We're here to see Melissa Green." I said.

She typed something in the computer and looked back at us. "Room 346. It's on the 3rd floor." She answered.

"Thank you." I said. We went to the elevator and went to the 3rd floor. We rushed into the room. Mom was laying there, you could barely see her chest rising and falling. Autumn cried harder. I started crying too. We sat there for a but crying, then calmed down.

*******Autumn's POV*******
I never leave moms side. It's been 4 days. The school heard about my mom and let me take a week off. Andy doesn't leave either.

"I'll be right back. I'm gonna get something to drink. You want anything?" Andy asked. I just shook my head. Andy left and I sat there staring at mom.

"Mom.. Please.. Wake up.. I need you.. Andy needs you.. Please mom.." I whispered.

I listened as the beep got a bit slower and slower. Wait.. No..

"Mom?" I said. The beep got slower. "Mom??" I said again. I looked at the screen and the line went flat. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!
Hey guys. Well, both of Autumn's parents are dead. :( Anyway, thanks for reading. It sucks. I only know of one person reading it XD Kittykat0125

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