Chapter 3

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Pansy POV:

We had all gone down to the common room before noticing that Draco had separated from us. I took a guess as to where he has gone and decided to leave him alone. Blaise is sat on the sofa across from me with a smile on his face and a glimmer in his eyes. I took a photo on my phone to show Draco later.

"HEY BLAISE STOP THINKING ABOUT PLANT BOY!" He jumped, went red and then hurried out of the common room and headed to his dorm. Thankfully not many people are in the common room right now as they are either in their dorms or in the library studying. With Blaise gone I am able to message Hermione in peace. We have been texting back and forth for about a month now as she is so sweet and caring.


Hi 'mioneeeee🥺

Hey Pansyyy💝

What you doing?

Hiding in my dorm because Neville is rambling and Harry disappeared🙄

What's Neville going on about this time😂

His crush...

Ooooooo who is itttttt

I'm going to tell you but promise not to tell anyone🤫

I pwomiseeee

It's Blaise🤐

Wait really!


Blaise has a crush on Nevilleeeeeee😃


Yeh I snapped him out of a day dream about him a few minutes ago!



What you doing right now?

Waiting for Draco to get back. I think he went RoR...

I think Harry went there as well...

See you in 5 x

See you in 5 x

I hurried out of the common room straight to the room of requirement and noticed Hermione already waiting.

"How did you get here so quick?"

"My dorms are closer than yours because they decided to throw you poor Slytherin's in the dungeons." The door appeared and we walked in to see loads of piles of blankets and pillows scattered around the cosy room. That's when I noticed them. Draco and Harry fast asleep. Draco holding Harry in his arms, I started to smile. Hermione was looking so happy for them. Merlin, she's so cute when she's happy! I felt a hand on my wrist and Hermione was pulling me down to join her on the floor. I agreed and fell down beside her. She cuddled into my chest with me running my fingers through her hair. Soon enough she fell asleep and so I just lay there admiring her. I really hope she likes me the same way I like her...

Neville POV:

Hermione and Harry had both gone and left me in the common room alone. I decided to go for a walk but with it being after hours I borrowed Harry's invisibility cloak and the Marauders Map that he had given me permission to borrow because he knows I don't want to run into Snape*yes he is alive*. I snuck out, careful not to wake the fat lady. I wasn't sure where to go so grabbed the map from my pocket hoping it could give me an idea.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." The map slowly started to show its ink and I noticed that neither Harry nor 'mione were on the map which only meant one thing.

"The Room of Requirement!" I muttered careful not to wake any of the portraits. As I headed over I noticed a name walking towards the Room of Requirements. When I took a closer look I noticed it was Blaise!

"Accio mirror" I said with a flick of my wand. I needed to make sure that I didn't look like a hot mess. As I turned the corner into the corridor that leads to the RoR (gave up on writing Room of Requirement every time😂) I noticed Blaise pacing in-front of the entrance, so I removed the cloak and casually walked over to him.

"Hey Blaise..."

"Oh um... Hey Neville..." He was so red and looked. So. God. Damned. Hot.

"What you doing outside the RoR?"

"Can't find Draco and Pansy so took a guess they were here. You?"

"Same with Harry and 'mione." We stood there awkwardly for a second before he said.

"Should we go inside?" That's when I noticed the large wooden door beside us.

"Yeh lets take a look." We opened the door and were immediately surrounded by pillows and blankets galore!

"This looks so comfy!"

"I see Pansy! And I thinks shes holding Hermione in her arms!"

"And there's Harry! Draco's holding him!" I was kinda jealous of them as they were all with the person they cared most about. Suddenly I found myself face down on the floor with Blaise on top of me...

"You're so easy to knock down Longbottom" I flipped him off of me, rolled over and pinned him to the floor.

"How was that Zabini?" He was in shock as to what I had just done but quickly he grabbed my wrists, threw my arms in the air, grabbed me and pulled me into his chest. I didn't know what to do so just snuggled in and fell asleep to the comforting smell of his cologne.


Fairly long chapter this one!

If you have any ideas you want adding into this story or potentially a one-shot/new series lmk in the comments!

Love you all and go check out my tiktok account its dracoharrys_secret_child

I make texting stories and there are some old edits that i made of Anna Shumate and Ag McDaniel😂😶

Stay safe and have fun

XO - Lottie

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