Chapter 1

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The war ended 2 months ago and Harry had finally been able to  kill Voldemort for good, but there was one problem... He had discovered during the war that his hatred for a certain blonde boy wasn't really hatred, as much as it hurt him to realise he knew deep down that he was in fact in love with the one and only Draco Malfoy...

Harry's POV:

"Harry... Harry... HARRY!"

He jerked at the suddenness that he had been woken and immediately grabbed his wand and his glasses and ran into the common room. When he arrived he found Neville being pinned down by a very annoyed looking Hermione.

"Hermione get off of Neville!" pulling the very fidgety Hermione off of my best friend.

"What the hell is going on here!?" I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice at having to deal with this after just waking up.

"Neville stole my phone!" At this point I was giggling a little and my annoyance was gone. I knew exactly why Hermione didn't want Neville on her phone. She had come out to me about a week before the war but hadn't yet told Neville but we guessed he would be ok with it.

"Come on 'mione I just wanted to look at those filters that make you look like animals! Why cant I?"

"Just use your own phone Nev'. Why do you need to use 'miones?"

"Didn't charge mine..." Seriously. Again. He never charges it because he always forgets before we fall asleep.

"I have a good reason for not wanting you to use my phone Nev'..."

"You sure your'e ready to tell him 'mione?"

"Yes" "Ok then."

"Neville... I'm gay."

"I KNEW IT!" This was going to go one of 2 ways and I'm praying its the better...

"SO AM I!" So apparently there was an unforeseen 3rd option! So i guess the entire trio is gay!

"So if we are all coming out I'm also gay..."

"THIS IS AMAZING BOTH MY FAVE BOYS ARE GAY!" I love Hermione but sometimes she can be a little to enthusiastic! Wait I've got an idea.

"On 3 say your crushes name! 3. 2. 1."



"Draco" So if Neville likes Blaise and Hermione likes Pansy and I like Draco that means if this goes well for us all then the 2 rival trios will be partnered... This is going to be interesting!


Hey guys this is my first fan ever! I know that this chapter is short but I have a lot more planned trust me! I honestly love these ships but it will be predominantly Drarry based. If you have any feedback/constructive criticism drop a comment!

I'm always here for people so if you need to talk drop me a message in my inbox xx

Love you all xx

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