Mingyu take one step and all the guys run away. Well maybe Mingyu and Wonwoo only but looking at their body. Their look strong and well built.

They then took the seat and start talking to their girlfriends. After then they all have fun until evening.

When the sunset was about to come, Mingyu and Tzuyu split with them so they had their own privacy eventhough they on double date.

But Wonwoo put his cold face. Mina who beside him feel something wrong. He hold her waist tight and look around mysterious. He doesnt always like that but when he felt somtheing bad, he will change like that.

Mina also scanning their surrounded and found the same guys keep eyeing us. She who wear short jeans felt cold and look her outfit like a bit revealing.

Wonwoo who notice how my style in this state, take off his jacket and tied at her waist. He still put his face cold and Mina notice from far that Mingyu also not like himself.

How annoying they are when the 4 of guys keep staring at 4 of them. Wonwoo take his phone and chat Mingyu. Then all of them go to private cafeteria. When Mina and Tzuyu already sit, Mingyu and Wownoo excuse themself that they were going to toilet and call seventeen member awhile just to sure how their dorm doing.

Girls just nodding innocently and take their other. But the boys out from restourant and saw the bad guys standing near restaurant.

Boys pull all 4 guys to the edge of a dark hallway. They all fighting each other but Wonwoo and Mingyu check their clothes at the same time so the girls wont notice that their in fight.

They cant forget how relax one of the bad guy said that Mina really sexy make the guy wanns play her. And the others said Tzuyu was really had perfect face and body make them crazy.

All words really make Mingyu and Wonwoo anger up beat him until they all scared and weak. Then both run to bathroom and make sure each other dont have a single wound or dirty on clothe.

They then act innocent like nothing happend and continue their dinner together. They think the girls were really believe them but they were wrong.

The girlz already know the difference of the guys. Wonwoo usually pull his sleeve but now he just pet it be. Mingyu usually too dont tuck in his shirt. Usually he tuck in but now he let it be.

Being dumb, boys doesnt realize that their pants jeans were a bit dirty. The girls saw and  texting secretly each other. Now they finish the dinner and both planning to sleep at their own apartment.

Wonwoo still doesnt show any smile a bit. He still burn inside how the bad guys said and how innocent Mina wearing such as short jeans like that to funfair.

Mina realise it and keep her face innocent. She wanna know for how long he keep his high jealousy up.

When they arrived, Wonwoo walk fast leaving Mina put small smile. She walk to the bedroom and take the first aid kit.

She calmly pull his sleeve and treat his wound. Wonwoo dumbfound of how Mina know he get bruise. He bet Tzuyu also know about Mingyu fighting.

Then Mina go to bathroom to shower meanwhile Wonwoo now play his phone. He still cant move on what happend at funfair at afternoon.

There is many women there but why must Mina and Tzuyu. Then why need to follow them until evening. So annoying him and look how scared their face when Mingyu and him punched them hard.

Mina out from bathroom for 15 minutes seeing Wonwoo already sleep. She sits beside him and cares his hair. She giggled a bit how she know he jealous about the bad guys at funfair.

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