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She shiver in cold. She hide her body in blanket. She cant think anything right now but feel scared.

After she read all hate comments about her anxiety attack make her feel more scared. Also she received dead threath.

All member were worried about her. Jihyo told her to eat but its about 4 days she doesnt even want to eat.

Tzuyu also try to console to go out but still she remain on her room. No choice, Tzuyu call one person that Twice only have hope to make Mina feel better.


"Yup hey. Wassup. Anything ok?"

"Hey Oppa. Do you already read the news last week?"

"Sorry im busy with my scheduels but right now im free till two weeks. So what happens last new weeks?"

"OMG...Oppa, Mina had anxiety and she had to hold her career for awhile until she okay. You know she even dont go out from her past 4 days ago. Jihyo unnie also try to console to eat but she reamin in her room. Every night she always cry and shiver in scared. Also this morning she got death treath from haters to kill her saying she should leave Twice."

"WHAT!!Okay im going you guys dorm. Please watch her. Dont make her hurt herself."

He hung up and wear his clothes and mask. He then tell his one member to company him to Twice dorm.

He hope she doesnt even try to hurt herself or even try to commit suicide. After they both arrive, he just barge in and asking Jeongyeon where she is.

"Wonwoo oppa."

"Where is she?"

After she show him, he stand in front her door

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

After she show him, he stand in front her door. Jeongyeon go beside Jeonghan and all member wait at living and talk with Jeonghan. While Wonwoo do his job.

He knock her door 3 times. Still no reply. Girls said she's not lock her door but they never open it. They respect her privacy and just talk and console Mina from out her room.

He heard cry sound and open the door slowly and lock it.


She sat at the end of the wall while close her head down and cry silently.

"Help me please. Why me... Just kill me...."

"Hey sweetie. Im here.. Your demons shark is here... Im here sweetie please dont cry."

Mina look up and fastly hug him tight

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Mina look up and fastly hug him tight. He cares her back and pat her head softly.

"Oppa... why.... did i really deserve this.... i dont wanna live like this.... im tired why they said im bad... is it true?... why they hate me so much to death... am i do anything wring that makes them really wanna kill me?... why im always be target to them... is it beacuse im too bad in this world..."

"Hey hey honey... no they are the one who doesnt deserve you. You talented, you pretty, you are an angel, your voice are like melody. They are the beast who want to ruin your life. I know you are strong. You can do this."

"Hey look at me."

She raise her head slowly while sobbing. He wipe her tears and stares at her diomand eyes.

"You are the most miracle angel that no one cant kill. Whatever happend, i will always protect. Twice will always by your side. Onces will always at your back. Your parents will always support you. Dont you realize? We are all loving you and protect you. So please, remembered, we will fight this together. You can fight your anxiety. I promised once you win it, everything will change like a dream. You are the precious to us. And also.... you are my one and only angel who stole my heart and i will never let you go. I will never let any one try to harm you. I love you and it will be always you. You deserve the love and support just the world doesnt deserve you. You are our penguin."

He kiss her forehead make her hug him again even more tighter. He smile and the carry her to her bed.

They led down and he patt her shoulder. Mina was really relieve that she had a man who protect and love like what she dream to. She cant even remember the last she relive like this.

"Thank you, oppa. I never thought having you in my life. If it wasnt you, i would already kill myself."

"Hey... whatever it is, never hurt yourself. I know you and im sure you can do this. I will always by your side."

"Thank you again you really my hero. Stay with me, oppa.."

"I love you most and everything for you."

They then fly to in their dream. She was so grateful having him in her hard time. He also grateful having her when he was lost.

~thanks to you, you make me feel special in your life. Being with you also make me feel safe around~

Another place

"You know i bet they already okay and maybe he stay in our dorm tonight."

"Candy, just let them and now i also wanna be with you too. Almost 2 weeks we doesnt met."

"Fine but please control your snoring or not i will throw you at window."

"Yes madam cutie"

The couple go to her room and sleep well while the rest of member....

"You know sometimes im jelous about them but knowing you also have boyfriend makes you quickly meet him anytime."

They all roll their eyes and go to their own room leaving Nayeon ditch.

"Having members like also make me wanna throw them at forest and let the tiger it them. Such a grateful that im the oldest or i will make them like a dog."

Nayeon flip her hair elegantly and walk to her room.

Nayeon flip her hair elegantly and walk to her room

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
1♡Wonwoo Mina Oneshot✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ