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It was dark and cold. I shivered and felt around for a light switch. I felt what felt like someone's hair. It felt curly, and I jumped back. I fell to the ground, and a flashlight mysteriously rolled into my leg. I shakily picked it up and turned it on. The bright LED light shined in front of me. I pointed the light towards the curly hair I felt, it was Aiden.

He stared straight forward, with a creepy fake smile. "Uh, Aiden?" I said trying to get his attention. Nothing. I shined the light around me and found myself in a room alone with him.

I heard maniacal laughter coming from the background and dropped the flashlight. I clenched my fist and felt as if my teeth and nails were rapidly growing. I fell to my knees, and let out a pained groan. My nails now turned to claws. My teeth, now fangs. My eyes, blood red.

I heard more maniacal laughter and grinned. I inched towards Aiden and looked into his lifeless blue eyes. I put a hand on his chest and felt a faint pulse. I slapped him as hard as I could, and he looked at me. He gasped and didn't say a word.

A faint growling noise escaped my lips, "What? You've never seen your best friend before?" He looked at me weirdly and shook his head.

"No, not like this. You're not my best friend." He looked terrified. I shook my head and pressed a single nail into his skin. He groaned in pain and his hands shook.

"Stop this. Who are you? What are you?" He yelled.

I laughed manically, and got close to him and whispered in his ear. "A fucking maniac." I laughed and bit into his neck. He yelled in pain and his body tensed up. "Are you scared?" I whispered and laughed.

Blood dripped down his neck and my chin. I backed away from him and felt my claws and fangs retract. I fell to the ground again, and my eyes changed back to hazel. I sat up slowly and looked at Aiden. I inched toward him. "What have I done?" I said with tears in my eyes. I stood up and ran off.


I jerked awake. I woke up next to Emerson, who was still asleep. I breathed heavily and looked at him. I lied my head on his chest and pushed his hair from his face.

I hope I never have dreams of hurting him. He's everything I've ever wanted.

My eyes teared up and I closed my eyes. Listening to his steady heartbeat, I finally fell asleep until the morning.


The next morning I woke up to a note on the bed.

"Early soundcheck tonight, meet me at the venue. -XOXO Emerson."

I got out of bed and ran out of the room to my hotel room. It was empty. I threw on a black tank top, an old pair of ripped skinny jeans, tied a flannel around my waist, and black vans. I brushed my teeth, and fixed my makeup, then ran off to the venue.

Tyler was doing his soundcheck, and Emerson was standing talking to Aiden and Mason.

Jess and Francheska came running up to me. "I heard you spent the night with him," Francheska said with a smirk.

I shook my head and laughed. "We just watched movies and went to sleep." Francheska rolled her eyes and walked away laughing.

I looked over at Emerson, and he looked at me smiling. I smiled back at him, and he came over to me. He hugged me and kissed my cheek. "Good morning, beautiful." He said to me.

I smiled, hugging him back. Jess laughed and looked at Emerson. "So, you guys are a thing now?" She asked. I laughed and shrugged.

Jess shook her head laughing. "Hey Emerson, where's your brother Remington at?" She asked smiling.

"Uh, check the bus." Emerson thought for a second, then Jess ran off to find Remington.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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Accident (Updated) - Emerson BarettOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz