11 | Test the Boiling Water

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11 | Test the Boiling Water

Emerald's POV

It was like the day repeated itself with me silent and spacing out in the car with Axel driving. I can't believe the Prince asked me out. Me. He didn't know the things I've done, did he? Coz if he did, he would surely not have asked me out. Can I ask you on a date tonight? I really want to know you more. I visibly shook at the memory of him asking me out. I couldn't get out an answer at first as I've weighed everything that would come into play when we date. But once I had gathered my strength and have overcome the state of surprise that I was in, I was able to say my response. Yes. I can clearly remember how his face lit up at my answer; how he came to my side and held my hand before kissing it. He looked really happy and I couldn't help but smile that a man like him can be attracted to a woman like me without the influence of alcohol or my charm. Okay... The last part was not really a factor but it's true I didn't use my charms on him to get attracted to me. It was just me. Of course it was a very risky move to be with him but I, too, felt the need to know him more. He's been good to me ever since we've met and the fact that he acted like a normal person with me and not a prince was saying something. This was a first for me. Never have I ever been on a date officially. All have been temporary knowing I don't like commitments. And who says I would commit myself to the prince permanently? I wanted to test the waters. If it's cold or hot. Hell! I wanted to dive into the boiling water if I can do what my best friends have done. I know I acted like I didn't care about love and I still hated the idea of it. However, the fact that all my best friends have fallen into it made me want to experience it too. I don't have anything else. All were just sex and flirtation. Nothing permanent. Maybe this time, I can feel something? I don't know for sure but I want to try. Just once. Plus, it's a freaking prince who asked me out. Prince Max. A nobel man who didn't have a reputation like me who sleeps around. Gosh! I am a whore, aren't I?

"Em? Em? Emeralda!" I jumped from my seat at Axel's call. I looked around and we already arrived at my house with the car already turned off and parked.

"Are you okay? You've been silent the whole time." He spoke, his eyebrows furrowing in worry.

"I'm fine. I just have a lot of things in my mind. Quit worrying. You'll have more wrinkles than an 80-year-old before you can turn 50 with what you're doing." I replied before going out of the car and walked to the house.

"Don't disturb me. I need to rest." I spoke once we arrived in the house. I didn't even wait for his reply as I rushed inside my room and locked it. I slumped on the floor with my back against the door. I let out a huge breath completely stressed out on how this day has turned out. What the fuck is happening in my life? First, the crowns. Now, the guys. I groaned covering my face with both hands. I wanted to scream at what my life was turning. It looked like I was riding a roller coaster ride and I didn't know what's coming next. It's full of twists and turns just because I have agreed to make the crown for the Queen. I checked my watch and realized I had two hours to get ready for the date. Fuck it. This was just a date. I threw my insecurities and drama queen mode aside and walked to my closet.

"It's now or never. It's just a date. It's just a date. Nothing more, nothing less. He's not going to ask you to marry you, stupid. Let's see if I can experience this lovey-dovey shit Percyla, Caralei, Matt and even my fucking brother have experienced." I muttered to myself before grabbing clothes to choose from.

Five minutes before 9 PM, a knock on my door made my heart jump. How and why was I so clumsy and jumpy these past few days? I walked towards the doors and opened it to reveal a very confused Axel.

"Okay. You're also dressed so I'm assuming you two planned this. Prince Max has arrived." He spoke while his eyes roamed me from head to toe.

"Okay. Thanks. I'll be out in a minute. Thanks." I closed the doors again feeling nervous now. I clearly was out of my mind to say yes to the prince, wasn't I? I smoothed out my dress and walked to my bed where my purse was. I had worn a white v-neck dress that plunged perfectly on my chest. It had butterfly sleeves on it and it was so pretty. I looked fresh and very lady-like, a contrast to my revealing and daring choices of clothing I wear whenever I go out. I had to consider who my date was and it was number one in my priority to never wear anything revealing with him tonight. I checked myself on the mirror one last time, touching my gold necklace to make my look perfect before taking a deep breath. Calm down, Emeralda. This is your night. You're a bitch and you always rule. Don't make stupid love make you clumsy and out of mind. You can do this. You can survive this night. Tonight, I would go out on a date with the Prince of Sweden and tonight was the first night I would be going out with a guy with serious intentions. Maybe, tonight, I'll experience what my best friends have experienced. Maybe tonight, the thing that I hated the most will come knocking on my door. Holding my purse tightly as if it was my lifeline, I opened the door and stepped out of the room. Axel straightened out from his position where he leaned against the wall beside my door and faced me. He looked at me up and down in regard and smiled.

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