5 | Persephone's Temptation

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5 | Persephone's Temptation

5 | Persephone's Temptation

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Emerald's POV

My hands were shaking a little and my heart was pounding like it was trying to break out of my chest. I held the blue portfolio in my hands tight as I waited for the signal to enter the Queen's room. I woke up early in preparation for this big day. Axel drove me to my shop with four guards following us. My staff and I took extra time in making sure everything was perfect before the Queen and Prince Max's arrival. The room where the Queen would meet me was checked by the guards; every nook and crook of it.

"Relax, miss. You have done a great job with this project." My secretary, Charm, who was on my right side patted my back lightly as she saw me wipe a sweat on my forehead. The shop was air- conditioned but I felt hot as nervousness gripped me like a tight vise.

"You have great designs, Emerald. The Queen will surely have a hard time choosing." Axel, who was on my left, spoke. I looked at him with hope and I could see a small smile form on his ruggedly handsome face that always sported a serious look.


"Yes, really. Good luck." He said, this time his eyes twinkled.

"Thank you." I said that with sincerity because even though we don't agree on things, his words made my worries disappear.

"You're welcome."

"The Queen wishes to see Miss Emerald Sia Sanchez now." A man who was stationed at the door and in the same uniform as Axel announced.

"Are you ready?" Axel asked and I took a deep breath before I looked at him with pure determination. I am so gonna seal this deal and have my crown rest on the Queen's head. It would be an honor to have my crown be a part of the royal collection.

"Yes. I am ready." And then, the doors opened for us and Axel, Charm and I walked inside the room determined to impress the Queen of Sweden.

"Your Highness, may I present to you, Miss Emerald Sia Sanchez of CORONA." A middle- aged man introduced me to the Queen who sat on a velvet wing chair in the middle of the room with royalty screaming in every part of her body. She wore a white suit with nude heels and on top of her head rest a glittering gorgeous crown that was simple and yet elegant. She looked glorious with the sunlight hitting her perfectly on her brown hair with a golden glow. I approached her, stopping by five feet away from her and bowed in front of her. I am freaking in front of the Queen!!!

"Your Highness. It is an honor to meet you." I greeted her, my heart beating crazy. I stood straight in front of her with my secretary and Axel behind me.

"It is an honor to meet you as well, Miss Sanchez." She rose from her seat so graciously and held her hand for me to shake. I took her hand with mine shaking it firmly. Oh my freaking gosh! I finally got to touch the Queen I have been secretly looking up for as an inspiration for years!

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