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"Hii...My name is Naitik. Wow....its really cold here...." He stared at me, then looked towards the heater, "accusingly" I thought.

I nudged Sunil hurriedly, and he turned it on as surreptitiously as he could.

"Welcome Naitik! Of course we are open. What room would you like?"

"Oh, I would like one of the simpler rooms. I just have to stay the night. I am on a business trip and I didn't want to drive overnight...." He glanced at the chandelier approvingly.  I smirked. I knew that had been a good investment.

I snapped my fingers, delighted. "Sure sure...Let's find you something comfortable. Is a garden view room fine? It's priced modestly, and you'll be able to see the beautiful flowers when you wake up in the morning. We have cottages in the back grounds as well if you prefer something a bit more fancy."

He nodded, smiling a little at my enthusiasm.  "Okay ... you are...?"

"Oh...Janet. I am the owner of this hotel."

"Right. I'll just take a regular garden view room if you can do that please."

He gave me an appreciative glance, placing his suitcase to the side of the reception table. Sunil made all the formal entries needed, assigned him his keys and collected the deposit. I pretended not to be excited and jump in joy at my first customer.

"Room 202. It's all made up for you. Please call the reception at 9 number if you need anything. Thank you. " Sunil beamed as well.

I walked into the hotel the next morning at around 8 in the morning. It was a great morning, although the sun was weak. The rays shone through the red orchids lining the walk upto the hotel. The sky was slightly misty, and my foggy breath was ruining my vision through my glasses.

I stepped into the reception entrance, pausing to admire the golden chandelier again. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of Naitik having his breakfast by the garden area around the back. I made my way to the spot as light footed as I could be.

He was sitting by a white table amidst the garden, with a pitcher of orange juice by his side. A plate full of toast and scrambled eggs lay in his plate, surrounded by a platter of fruit. Naitik was digging into the eggs with a fork, a book propped up by the pitcher.

"Hello, Mr Naitik. I trust you had a comfortable stay with us." He looked up, a bit surprised to see me.

"Yes, Miss Janet. It was fact, if you don't mind then I want to stay one more day..."

I coughed, delighted. "Yes Mr Naitik. We would be most pleased."

He nodded. "My daughter. And my mother. I am well...a single father and I would like to bring my daughter here. It's a beautiful place and she would love it here. She doesn't get to go out much, you know....I hardly have the time. So, I've taken a day off work too for this. They'll come by afternoon."

"Ermmm...Thanks Mr Naitik," I spluttered. He raised his eyebrows at me, confused.

"I mean...your welcome here..."I finished lamely.


I watched Naitik prance around in the swimming pool. He seemed carefree and happy. His daughter was running around the pool, being supervised by his mother. The girl was a cute 9 year old child, with long pigtails and a cheerful face. The mother sat alongside the pool chairs, keeping one watchful eye on the girl.

"Soniaaaaa....don't run please. The floor is slippery near the pool..."  she cautioned. She glanced at her son, who seemed oblivious to the both of them. She sighed.

Pearl HotelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant