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Sorry for not updating sooner :).

"I'm fine. I don't need medical attention," Natasha waved the medic away. Despite telling this to everyone, her head was throbbing and she felt sick. Tony was sat next to her on the same metal bench.

"You okay?" Tony nudged her and she smiled gently at him.

"I'm fine. My head's just spinning a bit," she said. "How are you?"

"Feeling a bit sick. You know, cannibals and thinking Pepper is a cannibal. Kind of made me shaky." Tony's hand held hers and she hesitated before squeezing his hand.

"Yeah. Me too," she said and turned to him, trying to smile cheerfully. "What do you want to do when we get off here?"

"Hmm," he gently kissed her, "how about we grab some coffee? Or sushi? Go on a cute little date."

"Maybe. But I think it'll take a while to get out of here. Fury will want a debriefing and he's heading over here now." Natasha murmured into his lips. Tony sighed and turned to smile at the approaching director.

"Fury. Hi there. I need to talk to you later. About secret stuff," he winked then looked serious. "I mean it. You'll have to come to my house in LA. We can't discuss it here."

Natasha frowned. "Is this about the cannibals?" She asked. Fury glanced at her and he seemed to notice their entwined hands because his eyes widened. "Um, when can we go?" She said hastily.

"We're going now," Tony stood up and dragged her with him. She stumbled but he righted her.

"You have to tell me more than it's secret, Stark," Fury snapped. "And why are you holding his hand, Romanoff?"

Tony leaned in. "Cut off one head and two will grow back," he whispered. Fury looked like someone had slapped him. Natasha started to ask what he meant but Tony cut her off with a kiss. She couldn't help kissing him back but she wanted to know what he meant.

He started to walk away and she had to follow. "What did you mean? Two will grow back? That's a...oh." Natasha stared at him. "What do you know?"

"Nothing I can tell you, Natasha. Now let's go."

"Tell me, Tony."

"Do you want to go back to my place?" He asked and she saw the look in his eye. She knew what he meant. A few weeks ago she would have punched him but now she just took his hand. And nodded.

IronWidow fanfiction: Time BombWhere stories live. Discover now