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Lying to Clint never did her any good but Natasha knew it was for the best. She couldn't turn around and tell him that she didn't love him. That she couldn't love him. He was her best friend and that would break the friendship. The meeting was boring; Fury was talking about some strategy but she wasn't paying attention. She kept looking at Tony. Clint was in front of her, his back to her, and Tony was across from her, so she could stare at Tony without Clint noticing. Without anyone noticing since they were at the back.

Then Tony caught her eye. Natasha gave him a half-hearted smile and he just stared at her. Okay...Natasha thought. Someone was clearly mad at her. "Tasha," he whispered and she glanced back across the table at him, "can we meet up later?"

"No." She frowned at him. How dare he. That arrogant di-

"Tasha, please," he continued. She shook her head stubbornly and he nodded at her. They kept that up for a few minutes and Natasha felt a small smile spread across her face.

"Agent Romanoff!"

She jumped as Fury's loud voice shouted her name and looked guiltily up. The other agents were staring at her but she only wanted to see Clint's reaction. He looked strange. She would say indifferent if she didn't know that he cared. Resigned, perhaps. He knew that she didn't love him.

Oh my Odin! Thank you all for over 1K reads! I don't know this happened so quickly but you're all awesome! It's only a short chapter because I have a relay hard maths test 😩

IronWidow fanfiction: Time BombWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt