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Tony woke up to see the beautiful redhead sleeping on his chest. She looked so peaceful that he didn't want to wake her up to the hell they were both accustomed to. He gently rolled away and got dressed. He thought of leaving a note but that seemed too cheesy. He just left. He needed a doughnut and the best doughnut place was far away from there.

Natasha was cold. She was cold and alone in Tony Stark's bed. She glanced under the blanket and added naked to the list. And he was gone. She couldn't hear him and his phone was gone from the desk. Despite herself, she buried her head in his pillow and inhaled his scent. Aftershave and a bit of a metallic scent. And coffee. His kisses tasted of coffee. It seemed to have replaced his blood.

The spy sighed and got up, quickly putting on her underwear. She didn't feel right, being naked in here. Then her phone rang. "Natasha?" Clint said hurriedly from the other end. "Fury called. He said there were cannibals and you were with Stark and that you...uh..." Clint stopped and Natasha sensed the upcoming question. "Are you with Stark, Nat?"

"That's none of your business," she snapped and hung up. She pulled on her outfit from yesterday and looked at the clock.

Should she wait until he came back? If he came back. That story about Pepper might have been a lie. He obviously still loved her. He was probably telling her right now. She walked out of the bedroom.

"Miss Romanoff, Mr Stark told me to make sure you left without breaking anything," Stark's AI said.

She felt her cheeks heat up and frowned. "He wants me out then. He wants me to leave?"

"Yes, Miss Romanoff."

"Fine. Tell him not to call me." Natasha said and stormed out of the house. She felt herself shaking but didn't stop to find out if it was anger or sadness.

Once back on the helicarrier, she was greeted by a hug. Clint smiled at her when he let go and she reluctantly smiled back. "Hey, Nat. Listen, I'm sorry about what I asked. It is none of my business and tell me about it when you're ready."

"Thanks," she muttered.

"But whatever happened between you and that absolute di-" Clint stopped himself. "That guy. Whatever happened between you two might come to light soon. Fury needs a full account of what happened yesterday. All of it. After you left. No lying. And Stark's here."

Natasha stared at him. "He's here? I have to talk to him?"

"You sound horrified," came a drawling voice and Tony appeared in front of her. Clint shot him a look of disgust before walking away. "Good. Now your guard dog's gone we can have a chat."

IronWidow fanfiction: Time BombWhere stories live. Discover now