The Jordan-Cruz Family Q And A

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Me: This chapter is also set after DCSHG L🖤ve Stories S7

Jewel: Mom you're next

Jessica: Ok what does it say and who is it from?

Jewel: From Uncle Thaal and Cousin Crystal. It says would u gladly give up your life to save everyone in your life including Hal, Jewel and Dexter?

Jessica: Yes I would

Jewel, Hal and Dexter: Aww we would gladly do the same for u

Everyone in the live chat: Aww we would do the exact same thing for u too. That's so sweet

Dexter, Jewel and Hal: That is sweet

Jewel: The next two questions r for Dexter and the first one says r Jess and Hal like a Mom and a Dad to u?

Dexter: Yes they r my Adoptive Parents but they feel like real ones

Jessica, Hal and Jewel: Aww Dex

( Yes in all my stories the animals can talk how adorable, cute and freaking awesome )

Dexter: But who is the question from?

Jewel: It looks like it is from Cousin Crystal

Dexter: Ok

Jewel: It says is Jewel like a Little Baby Sister to u?

Dexter: Yes Jewel is my Adoptive Sister but she feels like a real Sister

Everyone in the live chat: Aww

Jewel, Jessica and Hal: Aww

Jewel: The next question is for me from Uncle Barry and it says do u have a favorite set of Grandparents? I swear on my life why does everybody ask us to pick and choose between the people we l💚ve? But I do not have a favorite set of Grandparents I l💚ve them all equally

The grandparents in the live chat: Aww

Jessica, Hal, Dexter and Jewel: Oh hey guys didn't see u there. How have u all been? R u guys doing good?

The grandparents in the live chat: Yes we r doing good

Jessica, Hal, Dexter and Jewel: Good to hear

Jewel: There is another question for me from Uncle Oliver. It says what is your favorite food between hotdogs 🌭 and notdogs?

Me: Jessica looked like she was about to throw up after hearing hotdogs 🌭 as did Hal after hearing the word notdogs. If u do not know what a notdog is it is a tofu hotdog for vegetarians and vegans. Jewel then pets Dexy

Me: Dexter then starts purring

Jewel: I like them both but I am gonna have to say hotdogs 🌭

Me: Jessica again looked like she was gonna throw up

Jewel: U ok Mom?

Hal: Babe r u ok r u sure u r not sick?

Dexter: Mom r u ok? Is everything alright?

Everyone in the live chat: R u ok Jess?

Jessica: Yes I am purr-fectly fine

Jewel: The next question is for my Dad from Aunt Babs and it says would u rather give up everyone in your life or give up eating hotdogs 🌭 forever?

Hal: Hotdogs I l💚ve everyone in my life and I would never wanna lose them. So I would rather give up eating hotdogs 🌭

Everyone in the live chat: Aww

Dexter, Jessica and Jewel: Aww

Jewel: Next question is from a bunch of people including Uncle Barry and it's for Dexter. It says is it true that your favorite color is red becuz it reminds u of fire, lava, pain, bad guys blood 🩸 and h*** when a bad guy goes to h***

Dexter: Yes why yes it is

Jewel: The last question is for my Mom from Aunt Kara and Aunt Diana and it says r u a vegetarian or a vegan and why don't u ever wear real leather?

Jessica: I am in fact 110% a vegan and it is cuz leather is made from animal skin

The next chapter is: How It All Started

DCSHG L💚ve Stories S1: I L💚ve U And I Don't Just L💖ve U I'm In L💖ve With UWhere stories live. Discover now