The truth

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Mikey stared up at the ceiling. A few hours ago his brothers, friends, and Sensei had asked him if everything was alright, and he said that nothing was wrong.

Mikey sighed. That wasn't the truth. He had been hiding a secret for the past three weeks.

"I wonder what they would think if they knew what has been going on" He thought to himself.

For the past three weeks he has been receiving threatening text messages, letters on his bed and door, even a few packages with stuffed turtle dolls with an orange bandana with a knife in its chest, or it's head torn off.

Some letters that he received said something that the the person will kill him. Like, "I know where you live, and I will slice your throat in your sleep!" But most were like this "You should jump off a cliff!" "Stupid little mutant, you should put your head on an oven so no one will see your disgusting face", and even "Just $%^&@$! die!" Yes a lot off them did have cuss words.

The truth was he was not ok. He was terrified. Sure he took on a lot of bad guys but he knew who they were and what to do. He wasn't going to tell his family.

Mikey then thought about the event that made him decide not to tell his brothers.

It all started when....

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