"Hey!" She greeted standing up and gathering her bag. "Glad you guys could make it, I think they're almost done," She said standing up and getting ready to leave.

"Where are you going?" Daphne asked as she took a seat next to Theodore.

"Detention before dinner. Remember Defense Against the Dark Arts?" She said to the two, who sighed remembering the disturbing episode of the

first day of DaDa class.


So far they have had a werewolf, an idiot, and Voldemort himself as a professor. How bad could Professor Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody be?

"Alastor Moody," The former Auror wrote his name on the board with chalk, dotting the 'y' harshly before turning to glare at his students. His mechanic mad blue eye darting and twitching as it focused on their bored faces.

Ministry malcontent. And your new defense against the dark arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me, end of story, goodbye, the end. Any questions?"

There wasn't a single hand raised up. Even Hermione kept her hand down and observed with kooky professor with apprehension.

"When it comes to the dark arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?"

Alright, maybe Mad-Eye was more competent than some of their former professors. By now Lockhart would've made the class take a quiz on what his favorite color was and Quirrel would've barely finished stuttering out his name.

Hermione raised a hand to the air, eager to participate. After a moment passed and he didn't call on her she decided to answer, "Three, sir."

"And they are so named?" He asked without missing a beat.

"Because they are unforgivable," Hermione answered on cue "Use of them will..." Moody then interrupted before beginning to scribble madly on the board.

"Will earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban. Correct. Now the ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do. I say different!
You need to know what you're up against, you need to be prepared, you need to find somewhere else to put your chewing gum other than the underside of your desk Mr. Finnigan!"
How on Earth had he seen that with his back to the class? !

"Aw no way, the old codger can see out the back of his head," The Gryffindor spoke what everybody in the room seemed to be thinking.

Mad with sudden anger the professor threw the chalk he was holding all the way across the room in Seamus Finnigan's direction. The boy barely managed to dodge it.

"So, which curse shall we see first?" His head turned around the classroom for a second. "Weasley!" He exclaimed.

Ron's face turned white, "Yes..." He squeaked comically.

Mad-Eye Moody proceed to describe and actually practice the Three Unforgivable classes before the class. First was the Imperius one. A curse that made Elowen visibly stiffen enough for Tracey to nudge her side and ask her if she was okay. Even Harry noticed this from across the room. A large spider was thrown across the room levitated over an unsettled class.

"Don't worry, completely harmless," he said dangling it on top of Ron's red hair. It almost looked as if he was going to pass out.
"But if she bites... She's lethal!" He cackled as he dropped the spider. Rom grimaced in horror.

Across the classroom several Slytherins laughed loudly.

"What are you laughing at?"

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