Chapter One

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Talia stands in the center of a small group "So I have an ordinary deck of cards

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Talia stands in the center of a small group "So I have an ordinary deck of cards. Now I need a volunteer." she starts. "Ah here we are, now pick any card from the deck and write your name on it." Talia tells a woman from the group. The lady picks out a card and writes her name on the front "Okay now slide it back into the deck where ever you want." Talia tells her before shuffling the deck. "Here take the deck and find your card." Taila smiles handing the deck to the woman. The lady goes through it and doesn't find her card "Huh that's weird. That isn't supposed to happen." Talia frowns slightly before looking at a man in the audience. "Could you come forward sir and pick a fruit from the bowl on that table?" she asks, the man picks up a lemon and hands it to Talia. Smiling Talia takes the lemon and peels it to reveal the signed card in the middle "That's where it went." she smiles as everyone claps and hands her small amounts of money. "Thank you." she grins before walking off, as she does she accidently bumps into a man "Sorry." she smiles before carrying on.

She meets her older brother by the bank of the river "Hey you get one of these? I found it after I stole some stuff from a douche." Jack asks holding up a Tarot card. Talia checks her pockets and pulls out one of her own "The Sun." she reads out loud. "Death." Jack reads off his. Talia frowns slightly before turning it over to read the back "March 29th; 4:44 PM, 45 East Evan Street, New York, New York." she reads. "Well I guess we have been summoned." Talia smiles before linking arms with Jack, who chuckles as they start walking off together. "What trick did you do today?" Talia asks him. "Spoons, you?" Jack responds. "Card in the lemon." Talia grins making Jack roll his eyes. "You have an unhealthy obsession with that trick." Talia pouts "It's my best one yet, besides I get good money for it." she shrugs making Jack laugh.

The next day Jack and Talia walk up the stairs on the complex to find three other people waiting "No way

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The next day Jack and Talia walk up the stairs on the complex to find three other people waiting "No way. J. Daniel Atlas? Dude, I've seen everything that you have ever done. You're like... I-I idolize you. Seriously." Jack smiles shaking his hand. Talia rolls her eyes "Kiss Ass." she 'coughs' making the lady, who she realises is Henley Reeves and other man smile while Jack turns and glares at her. "From a true fan. It's so nice to meet you." Jack says making Atlas smile. "I'm Jack, by the way. This is my little sister Talia." Jack says getting as small pout from his sister. Talia smiles "You're Henley Reeves, I love your shows. You're the one who inspired me to continue with my tricks." she says. Henley smiles and shakes her hand "It's nice to meet you." she tells the teen. "Question. Did you get one of these?" the man in the hat asks. "Yeah. Death." Jack says holding his up. "The Sun." Talia adds holding hers up. "The High Priestess." Henley tells them. "I'm the Lover." Atlas says holding up his card. "Three minutes." Henley 'coughs' making Talia giggle. "Hermit." the man finishes holding his up. "So, what are we... Are we waiting for someone? Why are we just..." Jack asks before being cut off. "The door's locked." Henley and Atlas say at the same time. "Oh, no, nothing's ever locked. Hmm." Jack tells them before kneeling down to pick the lock. Talia smiles at her brother before looking at the other man "I'm Merritt." he introduces. "Talia." she smiles shaking his hand.

The door swings open and they all walk in "What is this place?" Henley asks before looking in the bathroom. "Ugh!" she exclaims. "Oh! Wow. Thought my apartment was nasty." Merritt comments. "Man, it's freezing in here." Jack complains making Talia nod and wrap her arms round herself. "What's that?" Henley asks as they walk into a large room with a rose and a peice of paper on the floor. "I don't know." Atlas says. "What's it say?" Merritt asks him. "Now you don't." Atlas reads out. "A rose by any other name..." Henley quotes as she drops the rose in a vase of water on the floor. The water travels out the bottom of the vase and across onto a symbol that is on the floor. "Guys, what's happening? Whoa. Look at that. Whoa." Jack says as the symbol shifts and a white gaseous substances starts coming from it. "It's gas!" Jack exclaims making Talia roll her eyes "Relax. Just dry ice." she tells him. "Wait. What do you think this is all about?" Atlas asks Merritt. "Hang on. Hang on. I got nothin'." he tells them. "Okay. Thank you. Thank you for the delay." Atlas tells him sarcastically. "I'm just trying to create the space for wisdom." Merritt tells him. "Okay, so you're like Buddha, if he wasn't so enlightened." Atlas tells him. "And you're like Jesus, if he was arrogant and all of his miracles were fake." Merritt retorts. "Okay, lovebirds, get a room. Danny, be honest. Did you do this?" Henley asks Atlas. "No. Wait, did you?" he asks the siblings. "I wish." Jack responds. "Why didn't anyone ask me if I did it?" Merritt asks. "Because you wouldn't be so offended that we hadn't asked you right now." Talia responds. "Electricity is out." Jack tells them. "Well, let's check." Merritt tells him before turning a light bulb. A projector suddenly turns on "Whoa." Talia smiles. Henley laughs "Blueprints." she realises. "They're incredible." Atlas comments. "Who do you think did this?" Talia asks. "I don't know, but I really want to meet them." Henley tells her. "It's a show. Wow." Talia realises looking closer at the projection.

A little while later they're all stood planning their next move when Henley suddenly looks at Talia "So how old are you?" she asks. "Sixteen, nearly Seventeen." Talia tells her. "Must have some real talent to be given a card." Atlas comments making Talia glare at him. "Jack get a pencil out. Atlas choose a card." Talia tells him getting a deck of cards out. Atlas does so and she hands him the pen "Now write your name on it." she tells him before taking the pencil off her brother and handing it to Merritt "Stand over there and hold out the pencil." she tells him. Merritt nods and does so as Jack smiles and watches his sister. Talia hands Atlas the deck "Put your card in and shuffle the deck." she tells him. Atlas does so and hands back the deck. Talia then turns to Henley "Do the same thing." she tells her. Henely does so and hands the deck back to the teen. Talia turns to Merritt who is now stood on the other side of the room "Stay completely still." she tells him. Talia then flicks the cards in his direction. Once they've all fallen Atlas' card is speared on the pencil. "Where's Henley's" Atlas asks. "In his hat." Talia smiles. Merritt takes his hat off and looks inside to see Henley's card in it. He shows the other two as Jack rests an arm on his sister's shoulder. Talia smiles at Atlas "Never underestimate me." she tells him patting his cheek as Henley chuckles.

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