Chapter 8: The Nightmare & The Kiss

Start from the beginning

(144 hours later)

I can hear again! I heard the king and another unknown male voice come into my hearing and they were saying.....

"How is she?"

That was kings voice, he's asking about me?

"To be honest we don't think she has a chance."

The unknown fucker must be the doctor

"Are you sure?"

I opened my eyes a little to find them at the foot of my bed

"If I may, she did have a severe seizure, a panic attack, an anxiety attack, and an unidentified attack on her brain. If she does wake up that would be a miracle, because all the attacks she had were severe and deadly."

I saw the king hang his head

"Can miracles happen?"

The doctor humped his shoulders

"In her condition no not at all."

The king looked sad but he nodded and put on an emotionless face

"Thank you for trying."

The doctor smiled and nodded

"Your welcome."

The king watched as the doctor walked over to the breathing machine and took out the plug, I was awake the entire time though.

"She's dead?"

The doctor nodded

"Yes she is I'm sorry for your loss your majesty."

He ran his hand through his hair and turned to walk away

I was laughing so hard on the inside that I almost blew my cover. I sat up and when he and the doctor heard the bed creak they stopped walking.

"No one announces me dead until I make that decision."

The king turned around too fucking fast

"Your alive?"

I started laughing my ass off, he looked at me and smiled but held an confused expression.

"Yes weirdo I am alive, and I have been for the past 10 minutes now. You don't pull the plug on me without me consenting, bitch!"

I felt an unknown anger rise within me, as I said the last part to the doctor.

"Calm down miss I didn't mean to anger you, I honestly thought you were dead!"

He backed up, and in my rear view vision I seen the king turn in my direction, as if he knew I was gonna attack him

"What kind of doctor assumes something without checking? You dumb ass, stupid motherfucking, four eyed hawk, bitch!!!"

Without thinking my body transformed into something and I attacked, before the king could reach me I was already in another form....

I felt bones break, and in a second I had this bitch ass nigga pinned underneath me. With that being said I blacked out, I have no idea what I did to him in my black out but I do know I angered the king. And I didn't give 0 fucks about it....

If a bitch wants me dead, then we'll both die......

Hey dust bunnies, how are ya tonight/today? I hope your doing fine, because I am!! Yesterday was JIMIN day and I hope you all had fun, cause I sure did. Until next time, I love you all bye!!

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