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It was a day like no other, the cafe was quiet and I was sat next to the till sucking on a cherry lolly pop and playing a colourful game on my phone. There was chatter from a couple in the corner and the soft humm of the radiators bursting warm air into the cold winter atmosphere. I sighed lightly taking the lolly out of my mouth with a small pop sound. "Hey scarlet, did you clean the coffee machine yet?" I spoke into the back room leaning against the doorframe. I waited a little before hearing her voice shoot back. "Uhh was I supposed to?" Her head popped out of the back room and she blinked slowly at me. "Did you want me to?"

Scarlet was my best work friend, she's innocent and almost like a little sister to me, she had soft skin with dark and light patches,her eyes were always sparkling that same deep chocolate brown that they always did and her hair was shoulder length and always styled. In bouncy curls, today those curls were pulled into a messy ponytail. We both wore the cafes uniform that included some black suit trousers and a matching black button up with a striking pale blue apron with the cafes logo embroidered on the chest.

"If you could, it's almost time too close up" she shot me a smile and a thumbs up as she bounced over to the coffee machine. "She needs to start remembering these things" I mumbled shaking my head and placing the sweet I had back in my mouth. And as I went on my way to clean the tables I heard a small tingle of the door bell. Looking over I saw a man with his two friends, he stood out to me, he looked stressed.... no, angry. His hair looks really cute too I gotta ask him what colour his dye is, bubblegum blue would look great on me.

I tidy myself up and walk over to the table the three had chosen. Sat at the table was the bubblegum haired boy who wore large red glasses, a man with lilac hair who was taking off an eye mask. And laying it on the table and finally a brunette with pigtails and a strong jawline. They all looked up at me immediately making me nervous, I never saw people like this in my tiny little cafe. "H- hello what can I get you tonight?" Their gazes didn't falter only making me silently panicked more. The brunettte spoke first. "Two coffees with two creams and sugars each and one chai tea." I wrote down the drinks and made a tiny paper aeroplane that I folded quickly and crisply.

Then I swivelled on one foot and took aim at scarlet biting my tongue and throwing the plane while hopping on one foot. "Scarlet coming to you!" She jumped out of her skin silently catching the paper plane and smiling at me opening it up and getting to work. I smiled back turning back to the three and getting caught by their confused gazes. "Oh Uhh sorry that's something we tend to do while the cafe is quiet. Is there anything else I can get you?" The brunette shook his head.

"Well I could get your number, I hope it's on the menu" the lavender haired man spoke and took me off guard. "U-Uhh well um you see I don't think-" "YOU DUMBASS MELONE DONT DO THAT" bubblegum hair slapped melone across the head. "N-no it's fine really it happens all the time Uhh oh your total is 10.50." The brunette slid me a twenty "I- keep the change as an apology." I thanked the three and rang them up placing the tip in the little jar. "Scarlet are the drinks done?" Scarlet came around the corner with a tray of three mugs on saucers. "Here go clean up" I took the tray and went over to the table again passing the three their drinks. "Here you go friends" I passed each their drinks and went back to scarlet.

"Oh my god y/n" I turned to scarlet spraying a side down. "Hmm what is it?" She gave me a huge grin "they're hot don't you think?" I took a moment. "I- what no don't say that you- I- bubblegum hair is not hot-" "I didn't say anything about four eyes" she gave me a smug look. "That's not what I said you- don't put words in my mouth" she raised an eyebrow. "Well ok then buuutttt I have to go clean that table right next to them byeeee" as I protested however my best friend disappeared to that table. "Shit" I mumbled throwing my now finished lollipop in the bin and wiping down the side.

A few moments had passed once I'd finished cleaning the display cases and sides scarlets face reappeared infront of me. "Too hooooo~ y/nnnn~. I have a present for youuu~" my heart dropped. "What did you do? Did you get me a date like you did with that Gaston guy!" I spoke fast and panicked. "HAH no I didn't get that far but, four eyes gave me his number for you" she tauntingly held out a slip of paper to me. "Wait really??" I asked shocked looking at the number on the paper and smiling like a mad woman.

"Mhm now go get changed and let's walk home together I'll finish up and change when I get home" I held the paper tightly and gave scarlet a huge hug. "Thank you!" I let go of her with a goofy smile and ran to the back room. To change.

Our back room was small and split into two parts. The first was connected to the cafe and had a mini fridge a sofa and a small silver television on a book stand. The second had four lockers, a clock a bench and a coat rack. It wasn't much but it worked for us. I popped open my locker and undressed, putting on an oversized shirt a pair of comfortable leggings and an oversized hoodie that pretty much swallowed me. "Hmmm I really want that hair colour...." I peeked out of the back room to approach the table. Thank god they were still there.

I walked over with a smile. "Hi there Uhh two things, first of all, sorry for scarlet she's a little overzealous sometimes, and Uhh secondly, what blue hair dye is that? Is it a specific brand?" In my mind only one thing was rushing one thought. And that thought was what was I thinking why did I even ask who the fuck am I??? "It's bubblegum blue number 066 in fleur hair dye" I was snapped out of my thoughts by the answer to my question. "Ah thank you that's all from me have a nice night" I internally cursed myself while rushing back to the back room.

Ghiaccios PoV

Shes odd, somehow graceful in her clumsy ness. It fucking confuses me. And then asking me for my hair dye? Who the fuck does she think she is. And why was I somehow giving her a straight answer. It must be the damn coffee. "Let's go" I practically dragged melone away from the cafe as I straightened myself out. Never even got her name.


And thus the romance begins thanks again to cactusperson12 for the idea and I hope yall like where I've started. Let me know if you want the reference sheet for scarlet

Luv yas <3

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