Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11

Daryl got the house set up and secure for them to wait until they heard from Rick and hopefully the rest of the group.

Daryl stood in the doorway of the bedroom where Brielle was laying down. He could see her eyes staring at the wall.

“Maybe we should go down to the river. Take advantage of this warm day,” Daryl suggested.

He saw Brielle’s eyes blink, but she didn't respond.

“I’ll get our stuff together,” he said walking away.

Brielle laid there and allowed a tear to fall down the end of her nose. He was trying so hard and she was paralyzed.

Daryl’s hands shook as he put together a bag for Brielle. He was barely hanging on to sanity himself. He wasn't sure what he was going to do if Brielle didn't snap out of the state she was in. He was worried about her and not knowing what to do to make it better crushed him.

He walked back into the bedroom and saw Brielle sitting on the edge of the bed with her head down.

“Ready?” he asked.

She nodded and got up slowly.

They walked down to the river slowly and quietly. Their hands bumped into one another and Daryl longed to grab her hand, but wasn't sure how she’d react.

Once they got to the river, Sam ran ahead and jumped in happily. Daryl smiled slightly as he helped Brielle down the bank. He set her stuff down and started to walk to the other side of the bridge. Brielle grabbed Daryl’s arm stopping him.

“Stay,” she said simply, but avoided his eye contact.

He looked at her curious, but obliged.

She turned around and started to take off her clothes. Her body was covered in dirt as she wasn't able to clean up since her abduction until now. Daryl flinched slightly at the bruises that trailed her back. When she took off her pants, he noticed bruising between her legs and he felt sick to his stomach.

She started to walk into the water and turned her head slightly.

“You coming?” she asked.

Daryl undressed himself and got into the water. It was cold since the days weren't as hot as they were before. He walked over towards Brielle with soap in his hand and handed it to her.

“Can you get my back?” she asked picking up her long red hair.

Daryl nodded and started to gently lather up her back being cautious of the bruises. He didn't want to scrub too hard, but he wasn’t sure what was dirt and what were bruises. He rubbed his hands soothingly up and down her back making sure to get her as clean as possible.

Brielle flinched slightly when Daryl’s hands hit her side.

“Did I hurt you?” he asked worried.

“Just a little tender there,” she said rolling her neck back and forth.

Daryl took a closer look and saw a large bruise on her side where she was probably kicked. He gasped in at the sight.

Brielle looked behind her and looked up into Daryl’s eyes. She saw the pain and fear in them.

“Daryl?” she questioned.

He shook his head, but didn't have the words to say.

Brielle worried that this would be too much for him. She worried that he wouldn't be able to handle being with someone so damaged. The fear of the loss of Daryl reached her eyes and he noticed the hopelessness in them.

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