Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

Daryl woke up with the feeling of hot breath on his face. He opened his eyes and saw that Sam was sitting there staring at him. He sat up quickly and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He had the beginnings of a headache which reminded him of last night. He kept his head in his hands as he went over the conversations he had with Brielle. He realized that it was the most normal he had felt since the walkers took over the earth.

He looked up from his hands and saw that Sam was still sitting there staring. He must have needed to go outside.

Daryl got up and went to wake Brielle.

“Brielle, hey, time to get up!” he said as he started to walk down the hallway.

He stopped in the doorway of the bedroom and saw the lump that was Brielle. She didn't budge. He smiled to himself.

“Come on Brielle. We gotta get up,” he said now walking into the bedroom with no response from Brielle.

“Brielle,” he said and shook her shoulder lightly. There was still no movement and Daryl was shocked by how hard she was sleeping.

“Brielle, come on now. You need to get up,” he said and shook her a little harder. Again, he saw no movement nor heard anything from her.

As panic began to rise up in his throat, he pushed Brielle over roughly so she was lying on her back. He noticed then that she had a fever and her breathing was very shallow. Her skin was pale and it almost had a green tint to it.

“Brielle?” Daryl asked shocked by her appearance and shook her again, but she didn't move.

He stood back and started to pace slightly. His mind was going a mile a minute. Was she sick with the flu? Did she die in her sleep and she was changing into a walker? What could have possibly happened in the several hours from when he put her to bed until this moment?

Daryl suddenly got the idea to search her body for any type of bite. He knew there was a possibility she got bit by a poisonous insect. He ran up to Brielle and lifted up her shirt and roughly rolled her over and searched her back. He got frustrated when he didn't see anything. He pulled up her pant legs with no luck. He blushed when he undid her pants and pulled them down. He noticed the red welt on her hip and knew immediately it was a spider bite.

He stepped back not knowing what to do. He put his hands through his hair and thought as fast as he could. He remembered when someone in their group had an infection that penicillin had helped him heal. Daryl immediately ran out of the house full sprint to the Jeep. He remembered seeing a bag full of medical supplies. He pulled it out and started to rummage through the bag reading each medication carefully.

“Yes,” he said when he saw a needle that was labeled penicillin.

He ran back into the house and took the cap of needle off with his mouth. He then put the needle in her thigh and pushed the medicine into her body. He stood back and watched wanting it to be an automatic cure, but he knew it wasn't going to be. He had just hoped he got to her in time.

He pulled her pants back up and laid her on her back. He noticed she was burning up, so he went into the kitchen and put some water into a bowl and grabbed a cloth. He then went back into the bedroom and tried to keep her head cool with a damp cloth.

He then sat down in a chair next to the bed and waited.

“I don’t see why you’re making such a big deal about this?” Jordan yelled loudly.

“Because we had plans and then you called, while you were in route to my house, and said you were going somewhere else. You basically told me something better came up! That’s fucking shitty!” Brielle yelled back. She had reached her limit.

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