°Waiting for her part 4°

Start from the beginning

Jade nodded her head understandingly. 'Why don't you go back in and ask Alex for the day off. It'll make you feel better'

'That might not be so bad' Kaycee murmured, the image of her boyfriend and a frandom girl repeatedly flashing in her mind. 

'I'll come over once I'm done with work' Jade smiled, giving Kayce a gently shove in the opposite direction to Alex's room.

Kaycee forced her feet to move as she slowly marched to Alex's office and knocked on the door lightly. She was biting her bottom lip harshly, trying to focus on the pain in her lips rather than her eyes stinging with tears.

'Come on' she heard a voice boom. And she swung the door open, met by two male faces. 'Ah, Rice. We meet again... My boy, Sean here has a few questions about the aquarium. And whp better to answer them than you' Alex started, getting up and standing between the two. 

Kaycee's pained eyes met Sean's for a second, oblivious to his widening smile.

'Uh-um actually sir, I was wondering if I could take the day-' Kaycee tried but Alex had immediately cut over her, clearly not interested in what she had to say.

He clapped his hands together. 'Perfect. The two of you can chat away in the demo room'. He laid a firm hand on Sean's back and directed Kaycee out, almost urgently.

Sean's smile had never left his face, he was smiling like an idiot, too awe-struck with the brunette he had forgotten what they were there to do.

'Just great' Kaycee groaned, flailing her arms around as she speedily walked ahead of him to the demo room.

At this, Sean's smile faltered. And not the kind where the smile turns into a frown before turning back upward again. The kind where he frowned and it stayed like that. Clearly doesn't want to be around me, Sean thought to himself as he trudged behind her.

The brunette swung the demo room door open, blowing out heavy breaths as she seated herself on one of the chairs closest to the front.

'Uh-um we could do this another day' Sean said awakwrdly. 'The questions aren't even that important. I was just asking Alex so that it seemed like I was interested'.

Kaycee hid her face in her hands. 'Sorry, sorry. No, it's alright. I'm just having a bad day' she mutters, voice muffled. First Alex doesn't listen to her ideas and completely blows off all her plans. And now her boyfriend seems to hav cheated on her. Could a day possibly get any worse?

'Oh' Sean replies, not sure on what to say next. Should he comfort her and ask her what happened? Or just mind his own business and continue with their assigned work?

'I'll just go over everything really quickly' Kaycee mumbled, discreetly wiping her eyes as she began talking with her back facing him. 

'I really don't mind doing this another day.' Sean tried again, seeing as he couldn't hear anything the girl was saying.

'No-I just-it's-do you have your laptop with you?' Kaycee stammered, eyes still looking at the ground.

Sean propped his bag on her desk, pulling out his laptop. 'Yeah, why?'

'Could I log into my email from there. then I can acces the documents ive created and you can just read everything there' Kaycee explained, tired and exhausted.

Sean nodded his head, turning the device on before he turned it to Kaycee, and the brunette logged in her details. She clicked onto a PowerPoint she had created, 74 slides long. 

'That's just the basic stuff, ya know?' She shrugged, before turning back and facing away from him.

Sean's eyes skimmed over the amount of words per page before he nearly fainted at the number of pages attached. You've got to be kidding me. 'Did you do all this?'

Sean & Kaycee: one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now