Your love

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Bakugou's eyes were fixed on your form that was seated on the other side of the couch with a book in one hand. You didn't seem to notice his gaze as your eyes eagerly followed the river of words that could be found on every page.

His eyes furrowed in irritation the longer he stared at you and the longer you occupied his thoughts. Sometimes Bakugou was confused how the two of you found each other. You were completely different and still you worked so well together.

There were so many things he hated about you, things that made him mad, irritated and annoyed and still his heart would always jump in excitement whenever you just entered the room.

Every time you laughed about childish things he couldn't help but feel a great amount of affection for you and every time you cuddled up to him a feeling of unbelievable comfort would overwhelm him, making him pull you even closer.

Maybe that was what love truly meant. Maybe it wasn't about finding the perfect partner but more so, someone who would accept you with all their heart and who you would accept in return.

And something inside him told him that he found that kind of partner in you.

"I love you" his words cut through the silence and still they didn't feel like an interruption. You looked up in surprise but soon your eyes narrowed just as affectionately as Bakugou's words sounded to your ears.

"I know" you grinned. "I love you, too" you laughed without missing a beat. A soft glow started to shimmer on your cheeks like it always did whenever you said those three special words. Still, your eyes stayed on him, waiting for his next move.

"You know how annoying you can be?" He questioned with a frown. Confusion filed your eyes but still you managed to keep that grin on your face.

"I know" you repeated your words from before.

"And how fucking shy you are?" He continued his eyes almost glaring at you but someone they didn't seem angry. Instead you could see the determination burning in his red orbs.


"And still you can be so fucking loud and say the dumbest things"

"I guess"

"You are also so unreasonable with your fears and you have the fucking emotional stability of a five years old"


"You have so many weird habits and you are literally a walking disaster."

"Come on, we don't have to-"

"And somehow you still fucking made fall in love with you" he blurted out, staring at you with a new found passion that was unmatched to anything you have ever seen before.

"What?" You honestly didn't know if you were supposed to feel offended or find his words cute. Was he trying to compliment you or was he in one of his moods again? You couldn't tell, so all you did was tilt your head to the side and wait once more for Katsuki to explain.

"You don't get it? I fucking love you, even if you are a dumbass" he tried again. This time he went for the word he liked to call you the most. You huffed.

"Don't act like I am the only idiot in this relationship. You can be pretty crappy from time to time, too" you countered before letting out a chuckle. "But just like you, I love you anyway."

"I am not as shitty as you, though" you squeaked in surprise when he suddenly caught your ankles and pulled your forward, making you lay on your back on the couch. You were about to get up and ask him what he was doing but before you could do so, the hero already crawled on top of you, pressing you down with his own weight.

"What got into you?" You whispered when the male settled with his elbows placed right beside your head and his nose barely touching yours. The way he was looking at you could only be described as a man madly in love. "You usually aren't this open with your emoti-"

"Shut up" he slammed his lips on top of yours, kissing you like his life depended on it and maybe it did, considering the way his heart started to go into overdrive. The kiss was hot and deep but somehow he still was able to put so many pure emotions into it.

The sensation made you forget everything but the man that was on top of you right now. One of his hands found it way into your hair, grasping it softly while your hands also buried into the his blond spikes, hoping to stop him from pulling away, not that it was necessary because other than letting up for a second to gain some breath the male showed now sign of stopping his ministrations.

"Katsuki" you muttered between kisses, almost feeling desperate without knowing for what, really.

"I love you" he repeated those words every time his name left your lips, not missing even a single time.

It took you minutes before you calmed down to part but even then, you didn't let up from each other.

"What was that?" you wondered, softly bumping your nose with his.

"Didn't I say so enough? I fucking love you. Love is what this is" he explained and for once he didn't feel like blowing up the apartment out of embarrassment. He really was whipped for you.

"You are strange tonight. Are you drunk?" You guessed, letting one of your hands run through his hair. You knew that he didn't consumate alcohol tonight, but you still couldn't put a finger on the reason why he was suddenly so affectionate with you.

It wasn't that you didn't like it but his behavior made you feel a little shy.

"Stop ruining the moment, idiot. And you call me unromantic" he hissed and with every second ticking by he felt himself becoming more and more flustered. 

Maybe he should have just kept it in.

"Well, you are but you get easily overwhelmed by your feelings, so maybe you love me so much tha-"

"Shut the fuck up"

He couldn't take any more of your teasing which was why he sealed your lips with his yet again.

Or maybe it was fine to be honest with your emotions from time to time. 

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