You steal

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"Hello?" You said into the phone when you picked up the call. You were chilling in your bedroom when Bakugou suddenly called you. The male didn't even have to say anything for you to know that it was him. After all, you saw it on your display. What confused you though, was the fact that he was calling in the first place since he was more like the texting kind of guy.

"Okay, don't give me any shitty excuses and tell me where it is" the blond growled, you could literally imagine the sour expression he must have worn at that moment. You started to feel caught even without knowing what you were caught for.

"What are you talking about?" You countered.

"Don't play dump, you freak. Where is my fucking hoody? I am talking about the black one with the skull on it. I know you stole it"

You froze. Carefully as if Bakugou would now when you moved too fast, your eyes shifted down to the black material that adorned your upper body.

"I still don't know what you are talking about" you threw these words out there without any regrets. Truth be told, he was the one who forgot it at your place and you just happened to forget to tell him that he did.

"Is that so?" His tone was sharp, almost interrogating. He wasn't even there with you, but you could feel his glare somehow.

"Yes. If you were to search my apartment right now, you wouldn't find anything" you lied right through your teeth.

You loved this hoodie and you weren't about to give it up. It sounded embarrassing but it made you feel safe. It wasn't just the way it was so much bigger than you but also the fact that it had the same burned caramel like scent as your boyfriend. It almost felt like you were hugged by him which helped you to get through the day.

"That's great because I am in front of your fucking door. You better open up right now and if I find my hoodie in here I will make your life living hell" you almost fell off your bed when you heard those words. He wouldn't, right?

You immediately scrambled to your feet before you bolted over to your apartment door. You looked through the peephole, hoping to find the space empty but just like Bakugou proclaimed, there he was.

With wide eyes you looked down on yourself. If you were to act fast you could change into a shirt and burry this somewhere in the depths of your closet. You just had to hurry.

"I know you are fucking there. I heard your steps. Now open the shitty door, dumbass" his voice sounded through the door, effectively stopping you from running back into your bedroom. Only now you noticed that he already ended the call. He knew you would come running to see, if he was really there and you fell for that trap. All you could do was pout.

With a defeated sigh you opened the door, stepping aside in order to invite him in but before he even put one foot into your apartment you saw him mustering you.

"Nice hoodie" the male huffed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. The scowl on his face intensified as he stepped closer to you while also closing the door behind him.

"Well, you forgot this one here. Technically, you can't call that theft" you argued back as you nervously tucked at the way too long sleeves of your boyfriend's hoodie.

"And still you lied about not knowing where it is" he took another step closer and now that he stood directly in front of you, you expected him to reach out for you but instead he just glared.

"Well, who cares about details" a dry chuckle forced its way out of your throat but instead of easing the tension, you felt even stiffer than before.

"That's all you have to say?" He raised an eyebrow in question, continuing staring you down while you tried to think of something to say, so he wouldn't take the hoodie away from you.

"It is soft" you blurted out dumbly.

"You have soft hoodies, too. So give it the fuck back to me" obviously you failed at making him see how much you loved this piece of fabric because he looked like he was ready to force you out of it, if you weren't giving it up in peace.

"You don't need this one"

"But this is my fucking favorite"

"It is mine, too"

"I don't care, give it back!"

"It makes me feel safe!"


Your cheeks burned in embarrassment, but you couldn't take those words back now. All you could do was hoping that he would have mercy on you and not tease you too much.

"It sounds silly but it smells like you and somehow knowing that it is yours makes me feel closer to you" you mumbled those words, not being able to find the courage speak at a louder volume.

"You are fucking weird" you scrunched up your nose at his answer but when you felt him hugging you, your expression relaxed again. You didn't waste any time to slip your arms around his neck to pull him even closer to you. Yes, the hoodie felt good but nothing could replace the real thing.

Every time his warmth engulfed you, you felt like there was nothing in this world that could bring you down. Well, apart from the boy himself and his sharp tongue.

"But a cute weird" now it was his turn to mumble his words. Luckily, you still caught them thanks to him literally having his face buried into your neck.

"You think it is cute?" You dug deeper, a small smile blossomed on your face and your chest started to swell. You loved those moments in which Bakugou let words like these slip.

"No, I called you weird, dumbass" and there it was. You knew that he wouldn't stay soft for long but your heartbeat still picked up from even the smallest sweet thing he said to you.

He loosened his arms that were around your waist, so he could back up a bit to get a better look. "I guess, you don't look too dumb in the hoodie, so you can keep it a little longer" a red shine could be found on his cheeks but you learned early on in your relationship that you shouldn't comment on it but enjoy his flustered state in silence.

"Well, you can have it back for like a few days. It would stop smelling like you, if I kept it all the time"

"You get weirder every time you open your fucking mouth"

"Not true!" 

15 reasons I hate you - Bakugou x Reader (Drabble series, 100 followers special)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora