new title

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As I have announced in an earlier chapter, I've decided to change the title of this book. I've also made a new cover because why not.

I'm keeping this chapter here so that you guys can get notified of the new change and won't get confused when a new cover pops up in your notifications all of a sudden

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I'm keeping this chapter here so that you guys can get notified of the new change and won't get confused when a new cover pops up in your notifications all of a sudden. I'm going to officially edit the title and the cover after I wake up tomorrow.

Good night, love you, and thank you for reading <3

And I'm aware that this title is just as dumb as the previous one. I just really suck at coming up with good titles, so y'all have to bear with me.

On a completely unrelated note, are there any Good Omens fans here? I recently read the book, then loved it so much that I watched the show, and I loved that so much that I have decided to read the book again. And I will most definitely rewatch the show because it was *chef's kiss*

Anyway, you guys should totally read and watch it if you haven't already.

(Sorry I tend to ramble when I'm sleepy)

Stay safe everyone!

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