1. Gone Fishing

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Little fish land in an clear aquarium tank, sweeming pleasantly in clean waters. By each minute, even within seconds, another kind of fish is added making it a little aquarium filled with colorful different species. The fisher gently bends over the margin of his wooden boat and fully emerges his right arm and after short seconds he lifts up another fish. For some men this type of fishing would be definded as odd but quietly skillfully to catch fish so gently in perfect timing. His smile at each one literally softened his catch and left them more lively than before. That jubilant joy of having them swim in pristine waters was clearly spotted, finally out of improper waters! But by his actions and detailed attention concerning his fish, it didn't seem his motives were to have them as food like any other fishermen would.

Suddenly subbtle rhythmic sparkles appeared floating from a distance, but approaching him slowly. His focus was on them. A mystical voice brings forth a soft expression in him while standing facing the shore. Paused for a moment from his labor, the fish look up to him from the tank as he absorbs musical notes making his sweat disappear, the fresh breeze it brought caressed his hair brown hair. Breathing in deeply, the man opened both his hands and these invisible glistening musical notes began to encircle the whole area. His boat enlarged slightly bit, the aquarium absorbed the notes also  causing the fish to calm down and swim presently.  The Fishermen's soft and handsome smile remains even as he turns around to continue his work. Bending down to uncover his oars, he utters few short inaudible words meant for someone.

Shining bright with joy, the fish now have his whole attention. What privilege they have to observe those serene eyes as they read each color, each species and beauty they hold. What wonder the fishermen expresses as they gain more color than before. The sky above gives way to rays of light hitting the transparent tank as unto a crystal, the waters themselves are not agitated to interrupt the man's enjoyment. Face to face with the fish, he lifts up his right hand wide open and touches the glass gently, breathing upon it. Suddenly, all fish disappeared.

Warm sunlight reveals a light greenish color in full detail of an eye. However the sun is robbed from enjoying that beauty as they calmly close to enjoy its warmth. A young lady sits on the sand with arms securing her legs. The long casual white dress covers her legs but leaving her feet to enjoy the little act of sinking in the sand.
She hums a song, still enjoy the warmth. The sunlight makes a brown string of hair look as golden in its color. In fact all ends of her hair seem smilthy golden while for mid-up chesnut color domains her stright hair. Her rosy chin lowers and face the waters, one cannot ignore the slight sighs the young woman releases. The sky reminded her of those serene eyes the fish enjoyed. The waters now invites her to gaze upon him and his boat with her inner universe totally open to all.
"My Master, how is it going by far?" the thought hovered in the air as her eyes watched him. "While the Master is gone the servant must patiently wait." the glistening water threw her in deep contemplation at the past few days, "Who would say no to him...?" quietly this words brought a memory to the surface.

 A human shadow covered her face as she sat down at a wooden table, sewing a piece of cloth. "My dear, I have to go fishing for some days," the man's strong back blocked the noon light from the entrance as he sat opposite her, and placing down the needle, he takes hold of her hand, "Would you be willing to assist me?" He lifted both her hands up to his chin and kisses them shortly with eyes on her. "I know that being on the shoreline waiting isn't much fun, but your support and presence there would bring me great delight!" He concludes and a play of shadow and light illuminates her slightly surprised face has the man leaves forward expectant. Her pale rose thin lips embutified her expression. "My Lord, as long as you will be happy and be successful with the fish, I'll be there waiting for you." Delight at her words a brief laughter escapes him causing her heart to skip beats at his pure handsome cheerful face.

A little wave of water hitting her toes brought her back to the present scene. And seeing him move his boat to another place, the yound lady got up herself and followed him along the sandy shore. Seeing him stop, she stopped. Found herself a stone to sat upon it, got her legs close to her chest and embraced them firmly while supporting her chin on her knees. Time seemed to pass and she moved not. Calm in the waiting posture, she began humming again but this time uttering unheard-of words between her melody. Short melodies gave way to her universe of thoughts to appear in between.
"Oftentimes I seem dissatisfied inside when he goes fishing...How selfish of me." she thought silently closing her eyes. The gentle breeze passing through her hair was as soft as the musical cords her voice released; thin but strong as a cobweb. Their presence was only announced if rays of light hit them in flight. They shone as light hits dewbrops all around, seen at a short distance after a refreshing summer rainfall.
Getting up from her spot, her trial of bare footsteps in sand lead to the waters ahead. Kindly does the water caress her feet, gently repeating and revealing shells hidden under sand for her to pick. And so she does it.
"A shell," she thought, "a gift form the Master." Her hand clenched it and she smirked tenderly amused, putting it inside her hidden side pocket of the dress. And stepping away from the water her feet mark the moist sand a long distance. The lady went of a walk.

Evening was approaching and musical notes and mysterious words flew all around still, hitting diverse things and places. Trees close by swaying at her voice, sand uncovering more shells for her delight, the coastal breeze dancing with her hair and dress while she moves her arms rhythmically. Suddenly she stops looking far of at her beloved again.
"Hmm..." a sigh escapes her, "His thoughts are my thoughts, his ways my ways, just like the boat he's in, just like the roaming route he's taking." The distance between them as not short at all, but in spite of this his figure was clear to her as if seen through binoculars of higher quality. "Just how fortunate I am to have him as my Captain, the cargo in the boat would safely arrive intact." She moves a strand of hair behind her right ear and beging to walk back from where she came from, still with eyes on the boat. Quietly adorating her Master, words and thought from her depths appeared and popped up right away within seconds as like soap bubbles, but releasing vibrant pastel colors each time. Her unexplained joy in him manifested as visible sound wazes, releasing a little chime sounds into the distance as they went.

"I remember his words, how riddles of joy and blessings are lavished upon the nations as one bears his cross patiently." her pace hastens gently when noticing the boat redirecting itself towards the shore, "How can one say 'no' to this? When I am in my joyful days I bring joy and blessings to those around my circle, it is beautiful yes, but limited it is in reach." The aquarium transparent tank disappeared from the boat, leaving only the man and his oars and seeing the young woman at a short distance to his left, the man redirects his course more towards her. "He taught me that taking a cross upon oneself, bearing it patiently and thankful as one can - joyful graces are poured out worldwide, even in the most darkest desolate places our hearts lament and cry for." Her cheerful smile takes shape, heart beats speed up causing her chooks slightly rose and warm, "That's what he's told me."
"Hannah!" oars are left as they were as the man jumped quickly out of his boat to embrace his long-enduring Bride. Her feet no longer on the sand but lifted up in his embrace, arms around his neck, hands hidden in his hair. Three days of waiting proves themselves worthy of the wait. Fading in this sweet embrace, the amount of fish he caught, the questions she had all silenced themselves. Words for what, when all she longed for was a short breath away from her face.

"The Father's smile, the angels sing,
the Cloud rejoices at each bell ringing, announcing a new soul saved...
Who could say 'no' to this?"

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