1 : first day

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j u l i a n n a

October 15th, 2020 - 6:45am.

I reread the words on my phone screen over and over again. I can't bring myself to sleep any longer.

Today marks my first day as a profiler at the Behavioral Analysis Unit. It's a lot to handle - knowing my dad will be there every step of the way. My dad is SSA Aaron Hotchner at the Behavioral Analysis Unit - which means not only does he have high standards for my work, but he's also like my boss - well, not like my boss, he is my boss.

Due to our relation, Section Chief Erin Strauss wouldn't let him condone my interview for the BAU - which was ten times more stressful because he's the one who prepared me for it.

I have a little brother, Jack. He's eleven years old and a huge pest. I love having a brother, I do, but sometimes he never gets out of my fucking business. As you can tell, we don't get along that well, especially with nine years in age difference.

My mom is Haley Hotchner - my dad and her seem like the happiest people on earth, but their currently having relationship issues, so I wouldn't really call them happy at the moment.

I'm suddenly startled by my thoughts, by the sudden vibration of my phone.

From Dad:
Hey Kiddo. I'll swing by at 7:35am to pick you up. Be ready, I'm not being late because of your procrastination.

I scoff, slightly rolling my eyes before I type a quick text back.

To Dad:
You got it chief. I'll be ready.

I turn off my phone and scurry down the hall of my apartment, heading into the bathroom.

I connect my phone to the bluetooth speaker in the bathroom, blasting music as I turn the knob on the shower, waiting for the water to heat up.

The water is scolding hot as it hits my body. I try to take the quickest shower I can, so that I don't run late, or I'll never hear the end off it. I quickly exfoliate my body - rubbing body wash onto my shoulders and stomach, shaving my legs before moisturizing them, and rubbing shampoo and conditioner into my hair.

As I jump out of the shower, I grasp the towel off the hook next to it, wrapping my body carefully. I brush my hair out, dancing in the mirror to the song playing over the speaker.

I slide down the hall, back to my bedroom. I open my closet, rummaging through my clothes. I decide on a final outfit - slipping on a tight red shirt, some black skinny jeans, and some no show socks. I quickly put on some high heels - I know it's a little much, but I want to make a good first impression to the team, even though they only look at me as Hotch's daughter.


The time flies by as I quickly make myself some breakfast - eggs and toast. I make sure to leave some food and water my dog, Benji before exiting my apartment, closing and locking the door.

My phone starts buzzing as I attempt to pull it out of my bag.

From Dad:
I'm downstairs in the car. Hurry up.

I roll my eyes. This man never has patience, I swear.

To Dad:
I'm on my way down right now. Calm down.

I answer back before slipping my phone back into my bag and getting in the elevator.


My dad's hands firmly grip the wheel of the car, his face stern, but fixated on the road.

He glances over to me, "When we get there, Strauss wants me to go over some rules and guidelines with you."

I nod, "You got it Chief." I respond as we pull into the parking lot.

We check in as we head down a long hall and get into the elevator.

"You nervous?" My dad asks, carefully examining my body language.

"No- well yes, a little." I say, tapping my hands on the side of my leg.

The elevator bell dings, leading us to the large doors of the bullpen.

I'm not ready for this. I think to myself as my heart starts pulsating, making my heart rate skyrocket and my heart to start beating out of my chest.

My dad opens the door slightly, letting my walk in first. To my surprise, not many of the team members are here yet, just a shaggy haired male wearing a sweater vest and quickly flipping through pages of a book and a blonde haired female with an octopus mug in her right hand.

Spencer and Penelope! I think to myself as I get closer.

They both look up at my dad and I walking in.

"Good Morning Hotch. Good Morning Annie." Spencer says, pressing his lips together tightly.

"Good Morning Sir. Good Morning Annie, it's good to have you on the team." Penelope says, pulling me into a tight hug.

My dad nods, "Good Morning to you both. Annie and I have to go into my office and review a couple of things before she starts her day." He explains.

The both nod in understanding as we both walk away, heading up some stairs and walking ito his office.

"Take a seat." He says sternly.

I nod, slowly pulling out the chair to sit down.

"Okay, so." He begins, "Welcome to your first day at the Bureau. In the safe bedside me I have a gun holster and a gun that I will be handing to you in just a moment - it's your gun to keep and take care of. It is only to be used when needed. Here is your badge and your credentials, you must have them both every day, don't forget them. You have many rules you have to follow here, including..." He continues rambling on as I nod along.

At the end of our conversation, he stands up, shaking my hand.

"I haven't said this enough before, but I'm proud of you kid. I hope you have a good first day." He says, walking around the desk to give me a hug.

"Thanks Dad." I say, appreciating the hug because I don't get that many from him as often as I used to.

He lightly chuckles, "Please, call me Hotch while we're at the BAU and in the field." He says, pulling out of the hug as I nod.

I slowly turn on my heels, heading for his office door.

"Oh and Julianna..." He begins as I turn around nervously.

"Don't sleep with your coworkers please. I doubt that you will, since their a lot older than you, but I'm just making sure that you know, since we've had incidents happen like that at the BAU before. If you do happen to get in a relationship with a coworker, you must report it to me." He instructs.

"Got it." I say, the tone in my voice a bit quieter than usual.

He nods as a knock on the door interrupts our conversation.

Penelope opens the door slightly, "Sir, I'm so sorry to interrupt, but we have a case." She says, informing the both of us.

Hotch nods as she slowly closes the door.

"You ready?" He asks.

"Yeah, just give me a moment." I say as he nods, heading out the door.

Here we go. First case on the first day.

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