Chapter 15 (Ticci Toby's pov) PART 1

Start from the beginning


(11:45 am)


I walked out Jack's car "Thanks for the ride again Jack" I thanked Jack as I walked, Jack nodded and speed walked towards Hooters, oh yea he's in charge of the kitchen..."He must be extra worried today since Toby's gonna be cooking for the morning menu" Jeff chuckled and wore his Jacket, "Are you cold Jeff?" I asked, It wasn't that cold today... Jeff shook his head "My skin doesn't work like that, I'm just wearing a jacket today cause it looks good" He replied, heh- It's always about fashion with him huh? "I just noticed your eyes are dripping like Jack's but instead...Red" He smiled "I love the color" He added on, I smiled back, no one ever really complimented my eyes..."Thanks ha" I answered, we both walked in Hooters "Hello there ladies" Jeff snickered "Good morning clown" He said back to LJ, he laughed at the simple joke- I snickered enjoying the positive vibes in the morning- I went to the staff room then got changed...with the extra help form Jeff, and went to start my shift, "Morning Masky" I greeted him, he turned his head to me "Morning..." he replied with his deep voice fallowing a cough, he does that a lot I didn't even notice, I guess I just ignore it-

(Time Skip to 4:30 pm)

I was just pouring in another drink when I see Toby walk out the kitchen, He stretched his back and took off the apron he was wearing, I started at him as he walked in then out the staff room, "Ben your gonna spill the dam drink!" I felt Masky behind me grab my hand and arms and take the bottle away from me, I blushed feeling Masky's hot breath just beside my neck "A-ah I'm s-sorry" I looked at the drink luckily not spilling yet...God at least It didn't spill, "It's fine, just watch the dam cup Link" Masky tells me and walks back, I sighed in relief- "Hii Lovee~" I looked up to see Toby in front of me, he smiled "Oh h-hey Tobyy" I smiled and leant forward, Toby chuckled "Table 9 wants whiskey...abouttt two" Toby said without letting out any of his Vocal tics, I looked at him amazed, he took the pills I guess, I went and grab what Toby asked for and handed it to him "Here you go", "Thanks~" Toby cheerfully thanked and walked away, I looked at Masky to see if he'd notice Toby, He sure did but didn't be any interested "he's taking those dam pills again? I told him millions of times he didn't need them...but I guess he does now since he has to work inside the kitchen" Masky sighed, I looked back at Toby who was still being his normal cheerful self even without his tourettes "Wait but don't the costumers love Toby and thought he was cute because of his tourettes??" I asked Masky, he shrugged "His cheerful and sunshine personality will keep them for realizing anything different from that dork" I chuckled softly, It was cute of him to compare Toby with the Sun- "How...long does the pills last?" I asked, Masky should know since he did mention he told Toby to stop taking them, Masky looks at me "It depends honestly, Well if I remember right...the one he took only last for a day" Masky looked at Toby who was getting thumbs up and compliments by the costumers, Candypop walked pass chuckling "The costumers really enjoyed today's morning menu, Jack was very relief as well" He says, "Really... Did he burn himself again?" Masky asked without hesitating, Candypop looked at Masky and shook his head "I don't know... but he looks fine to me, I guess the pills really worked huh?" Candypop replied-



Masky and Ben seemed to be alot closer...I glanced at the two males chit chatting with each other, What are they talking about...Ben seemed to be giggling alot as well... I watched as Masky pets Ben with his right hand, his other hand carefully pouring the costumer's drink, "Ticci Toby?" I looked at the person who called me "Ah yes?" I smiled, The costumer chuckled and held up the menu "Can you add this in my order as well? Thank you" I nodded and wrote the order in my notebook- I tried my best to ignore Masky while I walk towards the kitchen, "Hey EJ I got another order" I tell EJ the next order and he nodded, I watched as EJ blasted fire directly to the food perfectly, I wanted to try fire cooking tics...Well I mean I know I have the pills now but Slender would never let me go anywhere near fire...I guess It's reasonable, I can't argue with him after what happen...I pulled up my sleeves... and stared at my burnt marks, I sighed "Excuse me, here you go" I looked at one of the cooks holding up a plate in front of me, O-oh "Thanks!" I took the plate and walked out the kitchen with a cheerful smile, I handed the dish to the costumer. "Hey Toby, the table over there wants you to serve them" Jeff tapped my shoulders, I looked over the table which sat a bunch of gangster looking boys, "Be careful dude, I think they work for my brother or something" Jeff whispers to me, I nodded "Alright, Thanks, I'll handle it" I was used to talking to people like them, this'll be as easy as always, I skipped towards their table and smiled at them "You boys called for me??" One of the guys chuckled "Your Toby aren't ya?" I nodded "Uh yes I am", another guy wearing a hat looked at me "Why aren't ya movin?" he asked, another guy tilted his head "Yea aren't ya supposed to be twitching and shit?" He asked, ah...they're asking about my tics, I rubbed the back of my neck "Yes well I took some pills to prevent myself from um ticking" I response, Their were about five of them staring at me now "You got a nice shape for a guy" One of them say, "Ah really? Well Thank y-" The same guy with the hat interrupted me "We aren't gay, we just came here for the food" He leant backwards and placed both his arms behind his head, I grunted... why are they acting this way- I smiled under my mask "So what will be your orders?" I asked them, The other guys looked at the menu again, "We'll have three of this and two of this" They replied, I wrote it down and was ready to leave "Ay not too fast~" I looked at the guys "U-Uh what is it?" I asked, one of them smirked "Why do you think we wanted you as our waiter hm?" "I mean we could have asked anyone if we just wanted to order some of your shit" He said, what are they talking about, "I'm sorry but the costumers aren't allowed to touch the waiters" I chuckled awkwardly, He snickered "Touch? you were thinking about naughty shit weren't you? You perverted fag" , "I..." No I wasn't... "Can I leave now?" I kept my smile in my face trying to stay polite, the man started snickering again, he leant forward, I stepped one step back "S-Sir your not-", He ignored again "I always wondered what a guy's ass would feel like", "Are ya free later?" He proceed to ask, I backed away again "Um sir I don't think I-" This guy just won't let me finish my sentence will he!? "What? Are you afraid?" He teased, "Hey What the hell do you think you assholes are doing huh?" I bumped into the person who spoke as I was stepping back, This is... LJ's voice?... I looked up, yup its him! "Are these gentlemen bothering you Toby dear?" Candypop who was holding a tray of food smiled at them...passive aggressively... The guy spoke "Pfft- It was nothing but an innocent flirt", "Innocent?? Well to me it sounded like you guys were seducing our ray of sunshine" Jeff walked over with a knife in his hands, Ray of sunshine? do you really have to call me that? I chukled silently "Ah this? Yea sorry, I was just helping the costumers over there slice their steak" Jeff smiled and traced his fingers down the blade of the knife, The gangster looking group of males stood up "Fuck you guys, I'm out of here, this place sucks anyways" and they walked out the door, "Jeff you kinda went overboard there..." I watched as they left, I sighed we lost five costumers... LJ patted me "Its alright Toby, loosing five costumers doesn't hurt the restaurant abit-" I smiled at LJ and nodded, Jeff sighed "Guys like them are really just a waste of time aren't they?" Candypop chuckled "Let's get back too work"



W-what was that all about? I looked at Masky, he rolled his eyes "Your always so clueless you know that right?" Nope he didn't answer my question at all, "You guys always take care of each other..." I whispered under my breath, "And is that a bad thing?" Masky asked, I shook my head "N-No It's just...I never really thought people still do that" I said to Masky, He looked at me and sighed "Yea of course, we' family in this restaurant, thats why everyone works so hard and take care of each other" Masky replied- Well that was cheesier than I expected to hear, I giggled "what!?" Masky hissed, I covered my mouth "Nothing Nothing" I turned back to the next costumer- "It's just kinda cute" I added on, Masky grunted "Cute??" I giggled again "Yea even Hoodie told me your such a tsundere" I whispered, I felt his face heat up "H-Hoodie sai- ugh no just focus on your job!" Masky stuttered with his words, I giggled at him while he kept hissing at me to shut up-



(6:30 pm)

I walked in the staff room with Jeff and Candypop, "Good work today guys" Candypop praised us "Especially you Toby, they really loved your cooking" Candypop added, I giggled "I'm glad they do!" I grabbed my clothes and hopped in the dresser, "Do you think LJ will be alright? He's really winey when he's tired" Jeff spoke to me from the other dresser, I chuckled "Yea he is winey...but I wouldn't blame him honestly, I'm already this tired just after half a day of work, a full day shift should be really exhausted" I response, "Yea I guess I guess...oh Shouldn't Ben be finished as well?" Jeff ask, Oh yea he finishes at six-thirty as well... "He's probably just doing his last costumers" I replied as I put my turtle neck sweater back on, "You guys are taking quite long" Candypop's voice appeared, Jeff huffed "We aren't slow you circus freak, you just rushed again" Candypop giggled "Hurry up then, where do you guys wanna go today?" , Both me and Jeff walked out the dresser in the same time, "Slender wants to see the three of you right now" Helen walked out his dressing room, ah right, I forgot he also has his shift ended the at six-thirty as well... "Slender? Oh alright" I replied, Jeff groaned "Again??What did does he want?" Helen shrugged-

We walked in Slender's Office and sat down, firstly he was just staring at us..."...Whats wrong?" Jeff asked already getting annoyed, "Hm-" Slender stood up, we all looked at him thinking he was about to scold Jeff for his attitude again, but he just sighed and sat back down, "You are all lucky you weren't caught by Zalgo the other day" Slender exhaled, The other day... the time when we went to TomBoy Outback wasn't it? "Our services rates have decrease lots lately..." Slender says as he showed us the rating paper, oof yeesh it def did... "Well I have checked the request for it and... They're mostly highly inappropriate and this restuarant is issued Family friendly" Jeff leant back "So what are we going to do? I've also heard some of our old costumers have changed and deicided to eat in that dam Tomboy place" Jeff said, Candypop sighed "Some of them aren't even friendly to their costumers, I guess the men who mostly go there just want to be disgusting perverts and stare at the waitress" Slenderman nodded agreeing, there was a long pause until Slender spoke "I'm turning this place only for ages 18 and above", Slender looked really embarrassed and disappointed, Jeff laughed "For real???HELL YEA! I've been waiting for this!" Candypop rolled his eyes and I giggled, Slender looked at us confused "Y-You guys don't mind?" Jeff shook his head "Boss Look, we hate to see your very succseful restaurant loose to those Outback losers, and plus I didn't even liked kids going to this place in the first place" Jeff explained, Candypop nodded "Yes I am quite uncomfortable wearing such clothes in front of kids" I liked kids though...They always order the waffles and they are always so adorable..but I have to agree it is pretty uncomfortable when a kid pulls ur shirt when you pass them, Slender sighed in relief "Well don't worry, I will still NOT allowed inappropriate behavior, but they are now allowed to touch you only if you agree" I cringed at the tought... Well I mean sure...

(To be continued....)

(Yes yes I started to write different povs, just to make this muchh more interesting and have everyone's point of view, Im sorry If you don't like it though =w='' :P also Im kinda always distracted reading BL mangas so yea...Thats the reason I didn't upload any chapters yesterday =w='')

(About Toby, I was watching docs. about people with tourettes and realized that us fanfic writers have only been giving Toby Vocal tourettes? And like... his ticking has too be um...More??Idk how to explain but ye...Next chapters his motor tics are gonna be more active, y'know so I can make this more interesting and realistic -)

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