Chapter 4: Love the personal guard

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Fenrir woke up. His vision blurry at first as it slowly cleared. A wooden roof above him. A window by the bed he was laying on. He tried to get up & flinched as the pain kicked in. "Please don't try too hard to get up", a man standing beside him said. He had grey hair of old age. Black eyes. Tall & slim. Wearing a black suit. Fenrir looked at him. Ignoring the warning, he clenched his fist & sat up anyways. The white blanket covering him slided down showing his bandaged shoulder. The sunlight still cold, as it was early morning. "Where am I?", Fenrir asked. Disappointment in his green eyes as he looked down. "We found you this morning. You were collapsed outside our mansion this morning. So we took you in. The arrow was poisoned & the poison had spread a lot. But luckily our doctors were fast enough to analyze it & create an antidote. In the evening the healers will again look into your wound. It is not completely healed yet", the man replied. "How long have I been here?", he asked. "We found you early yesterday, so a day only. Son.....are you a war soldier?", the man asked. "I...was in the attack on the neighboring town last night. I defeated the attacking army & the chief mistook me as an attacker & attacked me. The guards who had not seen me fighting, started attacking me. Instead of fighting, I ran away. But an arrow hit me, & after that everything is a blur", he said while holding his head. "Where is my sword?", he asked on the sudden realization that it wasn't with him. "We had it cleaned, it's in master's room currently. Totally safe", the man replied. "I...must not trouble you anymore",he said as he got back up on his feet. He had a white trouser on as he walked towards the doorway. "Get me my kimono & my sword", he ordered the man standing by the door."You seem used to give orders, a general perhaps?",the man said. "Not a general, just a swordsman", he said as he exited the room. "Wait up young warrior, don't move too much you are hurt & where do you think you'll be going?", the man asked as he followed him through the hallway. "There's someone who needs to pay me back", Fenrir said as he continued to walk. He turned around a corner & collided with someone. Both fell back. He, being a warrior got up quickly. Walked up to see who was on the other side. "Watch it you....dumb...", she said as she looked at him clearly towering above her. "You're awake? Why are you not resting? Hibo! why is he not in bed?", she asked as the old man replied. "My lady, I tried to persuade him but he didn't listen. He said he need to go",the old man replied. The girl got up. Brown hair, brown eyes. A slim & delicate figure. She was wearing a brown dress. With white frill at the ends. Her hair were tied into a rough ponytail. "You! mister go back to rest. It's our custom to not let a hurt warrior leave until he's fully healed. So I'll humbly ask you to respect that", she said. He was still stuck on her features. Finding himself getting lost in his mind, he looked down. "Okay", he said in a low tone. He walked back to the room. "Hibo, where's dad?", she asked. "He's in his room my lady", he replied. "Ok. You stay with that guy, so he does not do anything stupid", she said as she walked away.
A man was in his room. His eyes & hair a dark brown. He was standing by the window. Also slim & tall. Clearly over 6 feet. A book in his hand, he was reading something in the sunlight. Weak eyesight supposedly. He turned around as someone knocked his room's door. "May I come in father?", a voice came from outside. It was the girl from earlier. "Yes Aroosa, come in dear", he said as the girl walked in. "Sit, sit", he said as he placed a chair for her beside a table. She sat down. "Father I need to talk to you", she said. "What is it?",he asked. "My personal guard, he left a while ago as you know it. With all these attacks going around. I can't walk around freely in the town",she said. "I'll find a new one for you, don't worry. That matter aside, the wounded boy we found yesterday, how's he? His wound was quite deep & a lot of blood was lost", the man said. "I...just saw him walking around. He seemed fine. He was asking for his sword & kimono. He wanted to leave apparently", she replied. "That sword, is an extremely high-grade weapon", he said as he looked over to the sword placed on a shelf. "Dual blade, with no scratches. The user must be skilled", he said. "I....want you to talk to him", she said. "Hm? I was thinking the same...I need to find out who he is & where he came from", the man replied. "Let's go then?", he added as he got up. "Sure", she said as she also stood up.
They entered the room. Fenrir was sitting on the bed. Looking out of the window. "So, how are you feeling?", Aroosa's father asked. "Fine...", he said. "Very well", he replied as he sat on a chair beside the bed. "So tell me about yourself, what is your name? Where are you from? How did you get hurt?", he asked. "My name is Fenrir. I am the son of the late chief of the Xeva tribe. Our tribe was attacked when I was 8 years of age & I, as a war prisoner was sold off to this man called Uron. He added me to his army. I thought I was part of some saviours but it turned out.....Uron attacked towns to capture & sell the children. We were ordered to attack your neighbouring town. It was my first mission. I, along with 140 other warriors entered the town. The second I realized what was happening, I pointed my blade towards Uron's soldiers. They tried to kill me but died in the process. I killed all of them before they took any innocent lives. Left only one as he had dropped his weapon. The chief being confused, ordered his people to kill me as I came with the attackers. I ran away. And an archer striked me with an arrow. I kept running & collapsed here", Fenrir explained as flashbacks of the previous battle came into his mind. "So you're a nice guy after all. The neighboring town's chief sent messengers looking for you this morning. He also sent doctors but ours had already treated you. He sent you an apology & as a sign of gratitude, he asked us to provide you with your life expenses", the man stated. " need for that. I will find a job for myself. A hunter  or a guard maybe",he said as he forced a smile. "How about.....a personal guard?",the man asked. Aroosa looked at her father in shock. Hibo was standing in the far corner. Holding a tray with a teapot & tea cups. He poured it out one by one in three cups. Added a sugar cube in each. And a small silver spoon. He handed a cup to Fenrir, and one to Aroosa & her dad. "Am I ....", Fenrir began talking as he saw his reflection in the clear herbal tea. "...qualified for that?",he added. "Well just to make sure, I'll have to test you",the man replied. "What kind of test?",he asked. "Test of strength", Aroosa's father replied. Fenrir choked on the tea. Hibo instantly cleaned his face with a white cloth. "We can go now", he stated quickly. "You are not healed yet are you?", the man asked. "Small injury. I can manage just fine with one hand", Fenrir said confident in his words. "Hibo! gather the best swordsmen in town's training field. We'll test him this evening", the man ordered. "Yes master", he bowed & left the room. "If you pass the test you'll be my daughter's personal knight. I ordered an exact same kimono for you along with some new ones. Hibo also prepared a room for you. The meals.....we do breakfast at sunrise, dinner after the sky goes dark. And lunch at exact noon, so be present on time. Your sword is cleaned & the bath is ready. Once they remove the bandages after evening's healing session. Please take a bath. After that hibo will take you to the town's training field. I'll meet you there...", the man said as he stood up. "Yes, I'll be grateful", Fenrir said as he lowered his head. They all left the room. He continued sipping the tea.
The evening sky looked beautiful out of the window. "All healed. But it's still better to not put too much pressure on your arm", a healer said as he removed the bandages. "It's my left arm anyways. I wield my sword in my right one. Still, I'll be careful", Fenrir said as he stood up. "Mind helping me wear my kimono after I'm done with the bath", he asked. "Sure, no problem", he replied.
At the training field, a huge crowd was gathered. 6 swordsmen inside the field boundary. Hibo along with Aroosa & Fenrir walked upto the field. "Father!", Aroosa shouted as she waved to her father in the distance. Fenrir was wearing a brown haori over a white nagagi & a white hakama. His sword fitted in his belt. He entered the field. All the swordsmen lined up. "Choose your opponent", Aroosa's dad asked. "Why such a crowd?", Fenrir asked. "Well the best swordsmen gathered in one place. Everyone likes to see warriors in action", he replied. "How many opponents can I choose?", Fenrir asked. "Any number you like", he replied. "All 6 then", he replied quickly but confidently as all the crowd went silent. "Huh?", one of the swordsmen infront of him spoke. "Aren't you being too overconfident?", he added. Fenrir ignored him. "I'll fight all six of them", Fenrir repeated. "Ok then", Aroosa's father said as he walked back to Aroosa & Hibo. "Prepare some healers", he ordered Hibo. "3", the referee spoke. "You are underestimating us too much", the swordsman infront of him commented as he took his stance. "2",the crowd shouted. Fenrir took his stance & gripped his sword handle as the sheath also started to glow. "1!", everyone shouted altogether. The 6 swordsmen came at him running. Some jumped up to attack him from above. All in a sudden, it happened. A burst of flower petals from his sheathe. "Sakura destruction", he said lowly. Swish, clang, thud. Dust rose. Slowly it settled. All of the swordsmen were thrown back. There swords broken in multiple pieces. As they laid on the ground shocked. None hurt. The crowd was also shocked at what happened. Fenrir had his sword back in the sheathe as he stood back up. "There", he said. The crowd cheared loudly as he walked back to Hibo. "Did I pass?", Fenrir asked Aroosa's father. "You are amazing, son. I've never seen anything like that",he replied. Fenrir lowered his head embarrassed. "Thanks", he said. "You are hired", he said. "I am?", he asked. "He is?", Aroosa asked at the same time. "Yes", her father replied. They all arrived back at the house. "And this, sir, is your room. Call me if you need anything", Hibo said as he showed Fenrir a room. A huge one. A bed, a wardrobe, a table & chair, a bookshelf, 2 windows. Overall amazing. "Ok", Fenrir replied as Hibo walked away. He laid down on the bed. Staring at the cieling.

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