Paris Love 💘

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama... the contestants experienced every pitfall Peru put forward. They visited some ancient landmarks, hung out with the locals, and DJ kept his animal curse alive by whacking some wee-wee monkeys. Someone's feelings were hurt, and something really weird happened. Team Victory had a victory. Ten contestants, one million dollars, loads more exotic locales to destroy, right here on Total. Drama. World Tour!



Lindsay: Wow, I'm so relaxed. I think my brain is even asleep. [gasps] Yep. Totally asleep. This is great. And the best part is, I can't wait to see--

DJ: His name's Tyler.

Lindsay: I know. I remember. [sniffs] Ew, what is that smell?

DJ: It's my meatless bacon and eggs-alike breakfast. I'm never hurting another animal again.

Lindsay: So now you're a me-gan?

DJ: Vegan. And don't tell mama. She says vegans are chicken-loving chickens.

Tyler: I'm glad that Lindsay's team won the last challenge and everything, but her being up in first class and me being back here? Oh, it sucks.

Owen: Um, yeah. I know exactly what you mean. When I'm uh, away from Izzy for too long, heh, I get really--

Noah: Happy because your girlfriend is a complete and total nut job? And I'm not talking tiny peanuts. That girl is a Brazil nut-sized nut job.

Owen: Hey, where is Izzy anyway?

Alejandro: I saw her go to the cockpit to talk with Chef.

Alaia: [Panicked] Wait what did you just say?

Owen and Noah gasp then Heather and Cody gasp


Cody: Oh no!

Courtney: What's happening?

Tyler: We're going down!

Katsuki: [hold down Alaia who holds onto him]

Izzy: Oh, what does this button do? Oh, and this one?

Chef: Girl, stop that!

Izzy: Ooh, blue button!

[all scream]

Heather: Having some trouble controlling your team, Alejandro?

Noah: [groans]

Alejandro: Your attempts to insult my team are cute.

Heather: Whatever. My girl power team is going to win. We don't get distracted by anything. Especially boys.

Katsuki: oh really

Katsuki: oh really

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Total Drama World Tour (Alaia and Katsuki)Where stories live. Discover now