Planes train and hot mobile

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama World Tour... Alberta! It'll blow you away! How could this happen?! Well first, Sierra exploded when Alejandro called Cody a two-timer. So, she took it out on Alaia but when she told hed the truth about her bestie Alaia went hell mode and left Alejandro behind wanting nothing to do with him and she voted for him. Dude so would have been a goner. Except Sierra demolished my plane! Did I mention we've got no ride now? Hm? Because Sierra blew it up! [hyperventilates] Our final three are jetting to Hawaii... without a jet. So get set for some other kind of race to the million! Right here on Total. Drama. World Tour!

[creak, thud]

Chris: Ouch!

[ Theme song ]

Chris: The hot tub with my name spelled out in Italian tiles, gone. My monogrammed sneakers, gone. My custom calibrated stubble trimmer, gone.

Alejandro: So... shall we continue the game?

Alaia: Yeah. I second that, totally.

Chris: As usual, you two are thinking of nothing but yourselves.

Cody: [grunts] Can we get some help over here?

Chris: What about the bigger humanitarian crisis? How am I supposed to keep this face fresh without my hyperbolic chamber?

Cody: [grunts]

Sierra: Oh, Cody. I've had dreams like this! Except in most of them, you wear a mounty hat and a loincloth. [growls seductively]

Cody: Did you land on your head?

Sierra: No, silly! I'm fine! I'm fantastic! Except for my, you know, left wrist, right earlobe, scalp, and both ankles.

Cody: [groaning]

Sierra: Which are, uh, kinda throbbing with every step we take. Ow! Ow!

Cody and Sierra: Whoa, oof!

Alaia: [confessional] Now that Sierra's out of the game, it would be nice to earn points with Cody. But really, I have to help. Beside Heather. Crazy or not, no girl should ever have to be bald on national TV.

[wheels squeaking]

Alaia: Here. Maybe these will help.

(Alaia gave Sierra a wheelchair and a head-dress up cover up Sierra's bald head.)

Sierra: Does it look okay?

Alaia: Gorgeous!

(Chef came out with the emergency kit.)

Chris: Hey! My emergency kit! We're saved! Ha ha! That's right, kids. Get ready for surf, sun, and beauties in grass skirts. We're going to a-Hawaii!

Alejandro, Alaia, and Cody: [cheering]

Chris: I know. Best host ever. Never doubt me!

(The box collapsed revealing a helicopter.)

Alejandro: Uh, is that a two-seater?

Total Drama World Tour (Alaia and Katsuki)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα