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Chris: Germany. Here, our competitors encountered the glorious Alps. As fun to go up as they are to come down. They also learned why Germany is world-renowned to the care they put into their sausages. From this day on, however, Germany will only be known for one thing: its traditional dance. Specifically the Slap Heard Around the World. There's an even dozen left, but not for long on Total. Drama.[singing] World Tour!

[ Theme song ]

Owen [muttering]: Going down... [snores] Engine failure...

Katsuki: damn i swear......

Alejandro: Will you pipe down already?

Izzy gasps

Owen: Crash position... [screams]

Alejandro: [grunts]

Katsuki: [laughs]

Owen: Whoa. What a terrible dream. Al, what happened?

Alejandro: Nothing a little ice and revenge won't fix.

Owen: Cool. Wait, did you say revenge?

Alejandro: Of course not. Off topic, do you have any serious allergies?

Owen: Uh, let's see now...

(Confessional: Owen)

Owen: Sometimes I get the feeling Al might slightly not totally like me. Punching him in the face? Probably didn't help. Unless he likes that kind of thing. Heh, fingers crossed.

(Confessional Off)

Alejandro grunts

A rat squeaks and falls into Noah's Open Mouth. Katsuki laughs harder

Noah [snoring before waking up,gaging and spiting out the rat]: Ah! Ugh. Stupid economy class.

Tyler: Being back here has some perks.

Katsuki: [Sarcasm] oh yeah [actual] Dumbass

Alejandro: Next time we get on this plane, we better be back in first class.

Owen: Yeah, cool! Let's be a team! A team that gets along. All of us, with everyone forgiving anything that might've ever happened by accident. Or whatever. Yeah!

DJ: I feel bad for voting off Leshawna. All she did was hurt Heather. I'm hurting innocent animals. How long can a curse last anyway?

Lindsay: Cheer up, DJ. If Tyler can come back, anything can happen. Maybe we'll become the best team ever!

Chris: Here's the best team ever... is exactly what I'll say when I get to the first class compartment.

DJ: [sighs]

[plane buzzes]

[mouse squeaks]

Gwen: Uh... whatcha doin'?

Sierra: I'm on the internet. You can check your email when I'm done writing my blog if you want.

Total Drama World Tour (Alaia and Katsuki)Where stories live. Discover now