Kim Taehyung - Thankful Picnic 💜

Start from the beginning

You and Tae both laughed at the cute cloud as he took out his phone and took a picture of it before sending it to Jungkook

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You and Tae both laughed at the cute cloud as he took out his phone and took a picture of it before sending it to Jungkook. You felt your stomach grumble a little and placed a hand on it "I'm hungry. Tae, how about you?" "Yummy food please" you giggled at his cuteness and quickly pecked his cheek before sitting up and began pulling the food that you made and the fruits you cut.

You had barely opened one of the containers when you suddenly jumped a little as Taehyung quickly shot up. "Do I smell Japchae? My sense of smell better not fail me" "Your nose is spot on. I made it for you and as well as the other fruits, I cut up some strawberry's for you"

Taehyung eyes lit up and he smiled brightly like a kid at Christmas and you swore it was the most precious thing you ever saw. Seeing that meant everything to you. "Your a literally the best" Taehyung kissed your forehead as he accepted the container from you "I know" you shrugged. You both picked up you're chopsticks and dug in. It made you happy happy every time Taehyung would close his eyes and moan about how good it tasted. As you ate and watched him enjoy the food you couldn't help but think back to how you too meet.


It was a slightly cold morning as Autumn time had come around. You promised your best friend that you would go out shopping with her in the afternoon but before heading over you thought you'd go grab a coffee and walk around a bit to enjoy the autumn breeze and colours the season had brought. You had a shower and changed into some warm clothes and headed out locking your apartment on the way out. You walked to your favourite coffee place and waited in line till it was your turn, you order your favourite, which was a ( f/h/d ).

You thanked the person behind the counter once your drink had been made and proceeded towards the door. Unfortunately as you walked out and went to turn you accidently bumped into him, your drink spilled on the ground and a little bit on his coat. "Oh my god. I am sorry" you apologised as you quickly took out a tissue from your bag and began to clean the spot. "It's ok, I should've watched where I was going" he replied looking down at you "No, it was my fault. I'm such a clutz"

"Well, if you are a clutz than you're a pretty cute one" he complimented. That was when you looked up and saw one of the most handsome young man you had ever seen, he did have a mask on but it was pulled down so you were able to see his full features as he smiled at you. You felt your cheeks turn colour as you looked at his boxy smile that you found so adorable, a smile that looked like it holds so much child happiness in it that you just want to protect. Even though you had just met him you just knew that you never want it to disappear from his lips.

"I-I can get cleaned for you to make up for the mess. I mean I have to go to the shops with my friend later but I can still drop it off and pick it up again-" "I have a better idea" he calmly cut you off as you looked back up at him "How about I buy you another one and you keep me company for a nice simple walk around the park so I can get to know you until you need to leave for your friend's". You couldn't believe such a sweet and handsome guy was asking you out.

But his smile and kind eyes had you tranced that you couldn't help but nod with a small smile and blush to your cheeks. True to his words he walked in and soon later came out with two cups in his hands and handed one to you. As you two walked around the park you were surprised how much you two got along, you've had a boyfriend or 2 before back in high school but none ever made you feel or laugh that was his was.

He just had such an unique perspective and personality that it made you like him even more even though he told who he was that still didn't stop you from falling for the person who he was beyond that stardom. You could've spent the entire day with him but you soon remember that you had to leave to your best friends. He wanted to see you again so you agreed to exchange numbers and from there your relationship grew.

*****End of Flashback*****

You smiled as you remembered that day, it was probably the best day of you're life. "Y/n! Y/n!" you were so caught up in your memory that you hadn't notice Taehyung calling your name and waving a hand in your face. "Oh, sorry, what did you say?" you asked coming back to reality "I asked if you were ok. You looked like you were in a daze" he answered with a chuckle.

You blushed in embarrassment "Ah, sorry" "You don't need to apologise. It normal to get caught up in thoughts. So tell me, what had you so caught up in a dream?" Taehyung asked as he laid back with a hand behind his head.

"The day we first met" "Ah, yes, the day you spilt your drink on me. How could I ever forget. That drink was hot even through my coat I felt the burn" "I said I was sorry" you grumbled softly but still loud enough for him to hear as you looked away in more embarrassment "I mean what were the odds that I'd get a drink spilt on me that way" "I get it. I was a silly clutz" you began to get upset and went to stand up but before you could even lift off from the blanket, you felt Taehyung's hand around your wrist as he pulled you back down so that you laid on top of him and his arms circled your body to hold you there.

"Maybe. But it was honestly the best day of my life, cause I got to meet you. From the moment your eyes looked up at mine I knew you'd have my heart, to me you were the most beautiful I ever laid eyes on, it was so cute when you panicked. I'm thankful I decided to take a walk that day because you soon became my everything, even though my career got busier you still stuck beside me and continued to support me even when I was away from Korea" Taehyung tucked some hair behind your ear.

"It scared me, the thought of coming back and find you with someone else and yet there you were with that beautiful smile of yours and warm arms opened to welcome me back. I promise this month that I have off, I'm going to do everything I can to show you that you mean the world to me. I know that all probably sounds really cheesy but I really am thankful for that day. I love you, Y/n"

"I love you too, Tae. I'm always going to be here, I'm never leaving and you don't need to do anything, just spending this month together or just holding each other like this is enough for me to know how you feel"

Taehyung and you stared at each other with soft smiles before leaning in and closing the gap. His hands roamed your body and gently flipped you over so you now laid under him "Thank you for coming into my life, Tae" you said as you's came up for air "No, thank you for coming into mine" you two smile and shared another passionate kiss before laying back beside each other and enjoying a small peaceful picnic nap.


A/N: I'm really, really if this chapter sucked. I'll try to do better with others x💜💜

 I'll try to do better with others x💜💜

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