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Struggling, quiet and bright lights. The Hospital Wing. What've I done now? His eyes struggled to adjust to the light.

"Harry!" He heard someone shout, and rubbed his eyes. "Thank god you're alright!" He heard the faint noise of footsteps and the scent of flowers.

Ginny's perfume. Harry smiled softly and looked up at her bleakly. She looked down at him worriedly, her eyes wide, small pieces of hair falling out of a bun. She's in different clothes, and looks liked she'd taken a shower. Either it's been days or she just changed quickly.

"Gin?" He asked, throat raspy. She sighed in relief, hugging him quickly, and Harry stared into her eyes, not even saying anything more. Before he could say anything, she pulled him into a short kiss, delicate.

"I thought you'd never wake up!" Ginny exclaimed, as though she had been dying to talk. "Ron and Hermione were here yesterday and the day before, but they have classes at the mo'."

"And the day before?" Harry asked, confused. "How long was I asleep?"

Ginny frowned, her eyes sad and dimmer than they were seconds ago. "It's been three days since the Death Eaters came and Dumbledore..." She trailed off, her voice growing higher, and looked out the window. "Hagrid found us after Snape and most of the other Death Eaters had left, he took you up here after you blacked out."

"Blacked out?" Harry felt dizzy.

"Yes, you fainted after Snape and Bellatrix hurt you," Ginny said gently, her eyes still concerned, "Don't you remember? Hagrid brought you up here, and Madame Pomfrey put you under some sort of spells and potions. It's been three days. Everyone's been so worried, they haven't been allowed to tell the Prophet, they'd have a field day - probably print about how you're on your deathbed." She paused, "To be fair, for a good two hours, Ron had to consol me because I thought you were." She shook her head, almost laughing. Harry chuckled a bit as well and closed his eyes.

It seemed the moment he shut his eyelids the images were all coming back.

Dumbledore falling from the tower, bright green light matching the Dark Mark in the sky.

Draco, Snape, and Bellatrix running down from the Astronomy Tower.

The Cruciatus Curse, his screams, Ginny's screams, and pleading yells.

And then darkness. Looming darkness with finality and fear.

Dumbledore's dead. The only one Voldemort was afraid of, the second most powerful wizard in the world. Murdered by his trusted friend. Friend. Why were all my father figures murdered and betrayed by their dearest friends?

"I remember now," He whispered, and suddenly worry overcame him, he felt dizzy. "How's everyone? Who else died besides Dumbledore? The Dark Mark was cast," He questioned anxiously, and Ginny squeezed his hand.

"Harry, calm down, please. Everyone's okay, Bill was attacked - but Fleur isn't as bad as we made her out to be," She looked guilty at this, probably for being rather cold towards Fleur, and she continued, trying to ignore her thoughts, "Professor Lupin and Tonks have gotten together." Ginny explained, and Harry felt a little bit better, it did explain the whole Tonks situation.

It was quite obvious that Remus had waited a whole year after Sirius's death to really consider going out with someone else. Harry knew it must've been hard for him, but he was sort of busy dealing with his own grief to really worry about Lupin's grief about losing his boyfriend. Even though it was secret, it seemed almost everyone in the order knew or at least had a hunch. He did send letters to Lupin every once and a while, but Lupin rarely responded, he was probably on order duty.

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