chapter 1

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im woken up by the dreadful sound of my phone alarm going off. i see the time as i reach over to turn it off, the screen showed 4:15 am. i groan knowing its actually time to get up and start the day. i sit up and look around my empty bedroom. I just moved to Vancouver 3 days ago and i havent had the time to unpack everything. Its the first day of filming and its my first job as a directors assistant. im so excited to finally be on set again but im incredibly nervous. i try and shake off the nerves as i start to get ready for the day. i do my normal makeup routine and get dressed. i take one last look in the mirror. "you got this" i say to myself. i grab my keys and head out the door.

"THERES A PIECE OF YOU IN HOW I DRESS. TAKE IT AS A COMPLIMENTTTT" i scream at the top of my lungs as i pull up to my assigned parking spot. im a bit early so i parked my car and continued.

"DONT YOU CALL HIM BABYYYYYY. WE'RE NOT TALKNG LATELYYYYYY. DONT YOU CALL HIM WHAT YOU USE TO CALL MEEEEEEE." i continue to scream, dramatically hitting the steering wheel. i open my eyes as the song comes to an end to see a young girl with curly hair not too far away staring at me in amusement. i try to look around my car and avoid her eyes, grabbing my things to get out of the car. when i look up again she's no longer there. "i haven't even left my car yet and i already embarrassed myself." i say to myself. i let the embarrassment set aside before finally walking into the building.

as i walk in there's people running all over the place. some are yelling over each other, others are running around to set things in place, others preparing and tuning instruments for the band. i keep walking towards a woman sitting at a desk and greet her. i let her know im the DA of the show and she quickly gives me my microphone, my badge and the schedule for this week. she lets me know that out back i have my own trailer along with the rest of the cast and crew. Its currently 6 am and we're going to have our first actual meeting as a whole crew in half an hour. i make my way towards the trailers and find mine in between kenny ortega's trailer and one with the sign that said "charlie". i didnt think much of it as i walked into my trailer. i set down my stuff and begin reading the schedule for today. we're shooting 3 different scenes today. i have to make sure i have all the main cast members at their spots and letting them know what scenes are next.

i made my way to the first set where we will be filming julie meeting the ghosts for the first time. i get there and see the young girl from earlier. the one who saw me screaming cherry off the top of my lungs. i feel my face heat up as we make eye contact. i smile a bit and wave at her, she smiles back and starts walking over to me.

"hi! sorry i know we kinda saw each other earlier in the parking lot but i wanted to introduce myself. im madison, i'm playing julie in the show." she says shyly as she kindly sticks her hand out for a handshake. i smiled and took her hand. "hi! yeah sorry about what you saw. im a very big fan of harry styles and that's kinda what happens when i listen to his music." i say laughing a bit "im olivia. you can call me liv or leah. im one of the DA's." madison smiles back at me. "dude i get it, i love harry styles too."

"DID SOMEONE SAY HARRY STYLES??" we hear as we see a cute boy with bright eyes and dark hair walking into set. he was dressed in almost all black with a flannel wrapped around his waist.

"of course that's what you hear." madison says to the boy who walks up to us. she looks back at me and playfully rolls her eyes. "you can't just mention my lord and savior and expect me to stay quiet madi" he says throwing an arm around her shoulder and pulling her into a slight hug.

"jer this is olivia, olivia this is jeremy. he's playing reggie, one of the ghosts julie has to deal with" she says laughing a bit. jeremy smiles at me and gives me a quick hug as well. "so nice to meet you, are you apart of the crew?" i step back a bit "yeah actually im one of kenny's DA's. i have to make sure you guys and the rest of the main cast are where they're suppose to be at all times" i say a bit nervously. they both smile at me. "glad to know you'll be apart of our friend group now. im going to apologize in advance for the other two idiots. its our first day filming and they're already late." jeremy says sarcastically. "its going to be so nice to have another girl around!" madison says giving me another hug. 

authors note:

hiiii lol. so i kinda just wrote this off the top of my head, i dont work in like sets or with a filming crew or anything but i thought it would be cool to have a different kind of story line. hope you like it! -cyn

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