chapter 30

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my eyes flutter open at the sound of charlie's voice. his fingers run up and down my back gently, causing me to shiver. i turn over to face him. he's laying on his side with his arm holding his head up, his smile as bright as the morning sun. 

"i was having a very nice dream of harry styles before you ruined it" he laughs at my response, pulling the covers off of me. 

"as much as i would love for you to stay in bed and tell me all about your harry dream, you slept through your alarm." with his words i quickly jump out of bed and run towards the closet. 

"what time is it?!" i say trying to pick out an outfit to wear. 

"almost 6" he yawns, snuggling back into his spot in bed. 

"I HAVE TO BE ON SET AT 6:30!!" i scream running into the bathroom. i quickly freshen up and change into one of charlies hoodies and some jeans. i decide it's too late for makeup to i only brush through my hair and spray some perfume before running out to put on my shoes. 

i look at the clock as the sign reads 6:15. i quickly run to charlie, giving him a soft kiss on his lips.

"thank you for waking me up, ill see you later" i say before leaving another kiss on his cheek. his eyes remain closed but his smile grows wider. 

"see you later baby, ill be on set at 10" he responds before i grab my things and run out of the door. 

i get into the elevator, closing my eyes as i rest against the wall. 

"wait!" the voice causes my eyes to open. i hold the button as a very out of breath owen runs into the elevator. 

he puts his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath. 

"are you running late too?" i ask him, hoping he's still willing to talk to me. he nods his head and stands up straight, giving me a small smile. 

"morning liv" 

"good morning owen" i smile back at him as the elevator door opens up. 

we both walk out towards the same direction since our cars are near one another. i keep my gaze towards the floor, enjoying the familiarity of being with owen in the mornings. 

"ill see you there" i say to him as i get to my car. 

"actually liv, i wanted to ask you if maybe, you want to ride with me today? if that's okay with you." he runs his hand through his hair and his face casts a light shade of pink. my smile widens at the sight of him.

"only if i can play the tokyo drift song from fast and furious" he laughs wholeheartedly at my response, unlocking his car as we get closer. 

we get into his car and he turns on the ignition quickly, handing me the aux cord. 

"here miss olivia. get ready to see some real speed" he says driving out of our parking structure. 

he really was not playing about the speeding. after running almost 5 red lights and going at least 20 over the speed limit, we made it on set at exactly 6:30. 

"this is the only time i condone your reckless driving" i laugh as we get out of the car. 

"hey! my driving is what got us here on time" he laughs as we both run towards the makeup trailer. 

"not you being late olivia. i expect it from owen" madi says as we both burst in through the door. 

"is it bully owen day? was i not informed?" owen dramatically slumps in his chair as daisy starts to style his hair. 

"every day is bully owen day" madison responds making me laugh along with her. 

"okay owen you have to shoot scenes with booboo for most of the day and then shoot with the boys in bobby's mansion later. madison you have to shoot at julie's house first and then once again with the boys and savannah later." 

"yes ma'am" owen responds making me smile. 

the beginning of the day seems to drag on. i cant help but feel so exhausted. i was having a hard time keeping my eyes open during owen and booboo's scenes. 

"liv are you okay?" owen asks me as we walk off set. 

"yeah im okay, i just feel really tired today." 

"we have like another half hour before having to go to the next set, come on. ill show you where i like to nap." he grabs my arm, pulling me towards a different direction. 

"owen i dont think i should fall asleep, im working" i say unsure of where we are even going. 

"just trust me" he says leading me into the set of julie's room. 

"you sleep on julie's bed?" i cant help but smile at the thought of owen sneaking in here to sleep. 

"yeah, sometimes i just need a little 5 minute nap which sometimes turns into 2 hours. but its so comfy, you wont even care." he says jumping onto the bed. 

"i dont know owen, i dont want to get in trouble" 

"dont worry, look ill go get ready for the next scene and ill come back as soon as im done to wake you up before anyone notices. just to get you through today." 

"you're sure you wont forget im here?" i say now sitting down on the bed. 

"i promise" he responds,  making his way out of the room. "don't let the bedbugs bite!" he says teasingly before closing the door. 

i lay down on the bed, cuddling into the pillow. he's right, this is incredibly comfortable. as soon as i close my eyes i drift off to sleep. 

it doesn't even feel like 5 minutes went by before i hear the door slam shut, causing me to wake up. i rub my eyes as i focus on who's at the door. 

my eyes meet charlie's angry one's as i sit up. he's standing there with a cup of coffee in his hands, his face in a scowl. 

"really olivia? im scheduled late for work for once and this is what you do?" his angry voice boomed through the room. 

im confused until i hear a groan next to me. i look over and see owen fast asleep awfully close to where i previously was laying down. 

"charlie, please its not-" 

"don't" he says leaving the coffee on the desk before storming out of the room. 


hi babes 

im so sorry i didnt update all weekend. life is taking a toll on me and i just needed a little break. i hope you enjoyed this chapter, keep voting and commenting. there's more drama to come lol 

take care of yourselves, love you guys! - cyn <3

begin again - charlie gillespieDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora