Chapter 1: The Diary

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"Dear diary. My name is Ivan" he paused. *how do i introduce myself? Or... how do i do these things even?* he thought as he set the old pen down on his worn out desk. He lived in a small cabin, one that had become overgrown with weeds and other plant life.

It wasn't the best, but he couldn't get any other home better then this. He thought for a moment longer, before pressing the pen against his paper, "this is my first time with a diary, and I doubt anyone would read this, so I suppose it doesn't matter. Anyways, i am Ivan, and I'm a wendigo. Not any ordinary one though. I should start from the beginning, shall i?"

He paused again as he thought of how to write this. For many years his mind was jumbled and conflicted, and he wasn't the best at telling things about himself, even if it was just to a inanimate object.

He was overly large for the chair he sat in, his body a towering height of 10 feet. He was a bit on the small side for a wendigo, but he didn't know that since he hadn't met any others besides himself.

He finally made up his mind on what he would write, and continued, "i was born as a wendigo, to my mother who miraculously had birthed me. She never understood how, but i guess that's how things are in this world, huh. Once i reached the age of 4, my mother had died due to monster hunters.

I managed to escape, but i lost one of my antlers when the humans attacked. They were lucky i was only a baby at the time. When i got away, i found this place. My own little home. It wasn't much, but it was the most i could ever have in this life.

The world i live in, is quite vast. Some places have great mountains or 'jungles'. I've never seen them myself, but I've gotten my hands on books that told tales and stories.

Where i live, its a big forrest. You could walk for days and see more endless trees. They call it the Last Forrest, because it's so grand. But people have been trying to destroy it for some time now. There's a large city nearby that's a threat. They keep expanding with every chop of a tree, or bullet from a gun.

There's a large variety of creatures here, ranging from rabbits to cougars, and even magical entities such as myself. The humans hunt lots of the animals here. I haven't seen any other wendigos though. I wonder if the humans caught them all?

Someday though, i wish i could find one. A friend, perhaps. Someone to share my days with. At least then I wouldn't have just myself to talk to. Maybe someday I'll find a friend... well.. I suppose that's all for now, diary. So, thank you for listening.

- Ivan"

he finally finished writing, his skinny, long and bony fingers feeling sore from writing so much. He set down the pen and closed the book with a sigh, putting them away into a little droor in the desk.

He slowly got up, careful not to break anything with his large body. He was your typical wendigo, just a bit smaller then most. Average wendigos were around 15 feet he had heard, yet he was just under 10 feet. One more inch, he would always hope.

He had a long skinny body, covered in some fluffy fur, and sometimes just stretched out skin that was gray and pale, almost dead looking. Not much could go for his face either, which was just a wolf skull, two deer ears, pale yellow dots in his eye sockets, and one antler. The other one was gone, only a shattered stub to show there used to be a antler there.

He was quite embarrassed of himself, which was why he stayed in the cabin a lot, unless it was to feed on humans camping or hiking in the forest. He always felt scared to show himself to the birds especially, as he always had a dark feeling they were watching and whispering about him, yet he had no evidence.

He looked through the dusty and cracked window above the desk, which was the only source of light from the outside world. It was about sunset, which meant time for bed. He slowly walked to his small corner, where there was a pile of worn out blankets and pillows he had found while scavenging.

He sat down and pulled some sheets over himself, before laying down on some of the pillows. He thought back over the day, and felt a little proud. He wrote a whole intro for his diary, and he also managed to hold back his urges to hunt for humans.

*maybe one day I'll also find a friend..* he thought as he slowly drifted off to sleep, letting the darkness hold him in its cold embrace.

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