Journey To Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

"Whatcha reckon the headmistress wanna talk to us about ?" Pan whispered , finally shattering the deafening silence.
Ebony was checking on Pirate , still smuggled under her robes , the feline confirmed herself with an unattractive heckle , before burrowing her malnourished frame deeper into the warm.

"We shall see when we arrive " E murmured , bundling herself closer to Pan.I focused on distracting myself from the sickening rock of the carriage , like a laboured trot .

"Ivy ? You okay ?" E nudged my foot concerned.

"Yes" it wasn't the the rocking making me sick , more the source of it.I tried in vain to block out the trot of the strange beast.It only reminded me of things I could never un see.

Quiet chatter began between the carriages , as they filed downward behind each other.

"Parkinson ! " yelled a fire haired Hufflepuff from the carriage behind.

Pan waved back as the girl was scorned for talking to a snake.
Ebony did the same , pulling Pan back into the carriage as we hit a bump in the trail.
"Pansy ! Don't fraternise with other houses !"
Pan pouted , before returning to her seat in a funk.

Abruptly , a hooded snake materialised besides us , almost toppling our carriage.Pan shrieked , nearly smothering a protesting E and cat in the process.A brilliant , Cheshire Cat smile smiled under a black hood.

"Trixie Jinx ! " I announced as the rest of her knotted together . Creating a full human.Well if you could call her that.

Grinning , she threw off her hood .Revealing a bright , neon green bob ! With black bangs tickling her crazily styled brows.

"Bloody hell !" Exclaimed Pan.Ebony scoffed disapprovingly and shuffled farther down.Allowing Trixie to lounge in the now very cramped seating.Smiling wildly she inflated snot flavoured bubblegum , before it burst , realising an awful fart like smell and odour.

"Cool ! Can I have one ?" Pansy scrambled away from Ebony.Wanting any treats she could get her hands on.
"No you may not , how utterly disgusting" Ebony tutted.

Trixie smirked , giving Pan several stinking pieces of it.Annoying Ebony even more .
Laughing , I remarked on her new look.Motioning to the five new piercings since summer break.Her old puncture marks always seemed to magically re heal .Thinking about it her face did look different again ...

A septum piercing , her left eyebrow pierced , which was slit and tinted to match her mad hair.Another ear piercing to add to the collection , one straight through her black top lip and another through her gold bottom lip.Green freckles ,decorated her nose , cheeks and covered forehead.Muggle makeup , in alarming purples and lime tints painted on her eyelids.She even had a blue tongue that waggled,split like a serpents  , showing off another insane piercing in her smiley.Pulling up her slashed shirt she displayed her illegal ink tattoos , tangled snakes , daggers and swords , crowns and jewels all in colourful disarray across her rib cage.Numerous chokers , chains and a dangling , upside down cross earring , swung violently from her chaotic movements. Her stretcher was bigger this year , to big , and yet another piercing , right between her eyes , two metal spikes through the top of her straight nose irresponsibly close to her eyes.Another upside down cross tatted in the teardrop of her right eye , right in the corner.Like a murders teardrop.The word 'strange' lettered vertically down her throat in blotched ink.

"Ivory Jordis Celeste Star , Greetings Beour !" She laughed crazily in her mad accents , disturbing the transport even more.
"Changes ay ? Changes they say ! Rules and regulations gallivanting off and away they say !" She riddled , the words seeming to trip over themselves.
"Indeed" I remarked , with a sharp nod of confirmation.Pan looked lost .
"No bodge to me self mind , as long as they don't cancel Quiditch " Her expression changed , as the thought seemed to dawn on her.
"It would be a crime to deny our legendary Beater her match"
As I said that .A wide , Cheshire Cat like smile split her face again.Her eyes sparkling.Ebony frowned deeply , unable to track the communication.
"I was hoping to banjax afew puffs this year , aye ...thing is I might not be permitted to play , after last year tsk , I will miss it" She nodded distantly , before turning to her right and smiling yet again , as if from the empty air besides her , had emerged the funniest joke.This was why I didn't see her as human , she was half mad.

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