Standing There Looking Pretty

Start from the beginning

He didn't say anything, and his mom took that as a sign to wrap him up in a hug. He hugged her like his life depended on it, and he cried over her shoulder. I stepped back, and I was tempted to leave the room. It didn't look like I was in place to be witnessing something like this.

"We love you no matter what, Dream," His dad said. "And you know that." His dad glanced up at me for a moment, and I became frozen in place. "We just want to know why you didn't tell us sooner."

"I was scared," Dream choked.


"We were marrying for the green card," I said. Both of his parents shot their gazes at me like they were bullets, and I could feel the shot. I took yet another step back and bumped into their dining table. "But not anymore. We—uh—We want to get married now."

"Not just that," Dream said, wiping his tears as his mom let go of him. "I thought you'd be disappointed."

Both his parents looked at each other and they frowned. "Why would we be disappointed?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. This isn't what you guys wanted. You probably wanted a son to give you a daughter-in-law and grandchildren. Nobody asks for a son who prefers guys."

"We love you just the way you are, Dream," His mom said, wiping his face. "We don't care about who you marry as long as you're happy, and if George makes you happy, go for it. Just make sure you invite us. I can't miss my oldest son's wedding!"

He let out a weak laugh. "Of course you're invited. You're not disappointed?"

"Oh come on, how can we be disappointed in you? You're Dream! You never fail to make us proud, especially now," His dad said, patting him on the back.

"When's the wedding?" Dream's sister shouted from the living room. I looked through the threshold separating the kitchen from the living room to see both his siblings draped over the couch the same way Dream always is.

"We don't have a date yet," Dream said. "Has to be before mid November. We have plenty of time."

"Well just let us know and we'll be there," His mom said. "We love you, Dream."

"I love you too."

"And don't ever be afraid to talk to us."

"I won't." He turned around to me as he wiped his tears. "George and I should get going. We have a few things we have to get from our friend's house."

"Okay. We love you, Dream," His mom said, planting a kiss on his cheek.

We said goodbye to his family and left the house. Dream walked ahead of me in the driveway, and he was still cleaning up his face.

"Hey Dream," I said, and he turned around to face me.


"That was a better coming out than I could have done."

He laughed, "Shut up, you basically did it for me."

"Wait." I stopped in my tracks.


I hesitated before opening my arms. "You look sad."

He rolled his eyes with a smile and walked into my arms. "I'm not sad. Or scared. I feel... fine. I'm okay."

"Can I make you feel better?"

"You can try," He said with a chuckle.

"Okay, let me whisper something in your ear, and I'm only saying it this once so you better listen."

"Alright, alright."He bent over and I whispered into his ear:

"I'm in love with you."

I grabbed his sweater before he could pull away. The driveway light brought his small blush out, and I couldn't help but smile.

"You're cute when you blush." I pressed my lips against his, ignoring the fluttering in my stomach and the pounding of my heart. When I pulled away, I immediately walked passed him and over to the car.

"Alright, take me back to Bad's house. I'm starving," I said. The doors were still locked, and when I looked over my shoulder, he was still standing in the place I had left him.

I love parallels, and I wrote so many of them in this book lol

Guys I did it. I accomplished a goal I never thought I'd reach: my fanfic made it onto dttwt lol. I saw a tweet that said to claim a dnf fanfic and I saw a few ppl say mine (someone even linked it) and it TOTALLY WARMED MY HEART LIKE AWWWW and I assume they're reading this so thank you for claiming this fic lol! It now belongs to you three (I think it was three ppl???)

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