ImAllexx x WillNE

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a/n  trigger warnings=self harm, suicide attempt and panic attacks

Alex remembers his first panic attack.

The hyperventilation. Too much!

His palms sweating too much!

Heart pounding too much in his chest.

He generally thought he was going to die.

Heck!He ended up in hospital.

He hated his anxiety.The constant feeling of panic every moment of everyday.It sucked!

Will hated his life:he thought of himself as a burden.

Each day he would look in the mirror. His once happy,enegertic face slowly turned dark. His skin covered in scars.His eyes became puffy from crying.

After an attempt to end his own life,he ended up in hopsital.

Whilst having a walk around his lonely ward(which was long),he bumped into a man around his own age.His ocean blue eyes come into contact with his hazel eyes.

"Hi!"the man timidly whispered.

"Hi!" Will replied back.

"Everything too much for you?"he asked.

"Yes",he replied,a bit more quietly.

"Aw!I'm Alex by the way."he introduced himself with.

"Will."he said back.

That was the first of many visits of Will and Alex.

Little did they know of their forecoming future...

a/n: I like the eboys.There will also be Inbetweeners and other comedies fanficton as well as eboys fanficton.I was just bored.

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