Mon. Oct. 12th

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Socrates' student ⤵️
Plato "the idealist"
Deadname: Aristocles

- "FUCK DEMOCRACY" - Plato; preferred republic, "Think for yourself"
- cave allegory: a philosophy of his -
  - people are like prisoners in a cave
  - the wall is a false reality
  - some people realize it and escape
  - basically "more men should be
- The Academy - school he founded in
  Athens for mathematicians

Plato's student⤵️
Aristotle "The empiricist"

- "the naturalist"
- "everything in moderation"
- Lyceum
- tries to take away the pain with
- not from Athens
- telos - purpose
- wanted middle class rule
- tutored Alexander the Great on Greeks (who was rumored to be bi/pan/one of the mspec sexualities)
- w o m e n - did not pay attention to
  wise women, thought they were
- was wrong about a LOT of things
- logic

The Peloponnesian war
- 431bc to 404bc
- Thucydides; writer of the
  Peloponnesian war, historian
- Athens and the Delian league
- Sparta and the Peloponnesian league

The Peloponnesian league
- Spartan made to stop the Delian League
  - Delian League is Athens and it's Navy
- goes to war with the Delian League (Sparta v Athens)

- Athens had stronk Navy
- Sparta has stronk army
- Typhus (Maaayyybeee?) epidemic breaks out in Athens - Pericles (leader of Athenian army) dies with his best troops
- Pericles is replaced by Nicias and Cleon
- Nicias: pls no war
- he has to stop them from fighting the island of Lesbos bc they seemed like they'd split and join Sparta
- the peace of Nicias: temp treaty with Sparta he facilitates

416 bc Melos
- Athens wiped out all the adult men on Melos
- Women and children enslaved
- many writers gave no fuck even though they were a peaceful neutral people

- Mantinea - 410bc "AVOID LAND-"

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