Do Your Best Guardian!

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It was another morning of walking to school for Izuku Midoriya, as he neared UA, the unmistakable sound of a large crowd started to become more and more prevalent. "What's the chances that they discovered All Might works here now?" Izuku asked to seemingly no one as he continued walking.

'Well if this crowd we hear is the press, I'm almost certain it is due to All Might.' Ghost responded in Izuku's mind as the boy could finally see the large crowd the press had made in front of UA. 'You could probably get over the wall if you timed your jumps correctly Guardian.'

"Eh, but where's the fun in that?" Izuku asked as he barged his way into the crowd. Ignoring the questions he was asked, he kept pushing until he was right next to the gate. 

"Hey you kid, stop pushing through an answer some of our questions!" Izuku heard one lady yell as he stopped and turned to face her. "What is it like to work so closely to All Might?" She asked him.

"Well its certainly more interesting then trying to force information out of some student on their way to class." Izuku answered as he turned and walked into the gate. He heard the press start to question more students until he heard Iida start a long winded speech on All Might's leadership. 'If you only understood what he truly goes through would you truly appreciate his work.' Izuku thought as he passed Aizawa. 

"Should I question how you where able to get through this crowd easily." Aizawa asked as the two stopped, facing away from each other.

"I feel coming from the guy who hates the press more than any other hero, you would have picked up a few tricks to evade them." Izuku said as he continued into the building.

'That  kid, its always something else with him, like he knows a hell of a lot more than he lets on.' Aizawa thought as he continued on his way to the crowd. 'Just what where you able to see in him that I can't All Might.'

Above the crowd stood two men, one dressed in a hoodie scratched at his neck. The other next to him was composed of a purple mist as he wore a bartending outfit. "Say Kurogiri, what if we get some information on these brats so we can have ourselves some fun with our new allies? They did warn us of one of them being more than he seemed." The man in the hoodie said as he continued to scratch at his neck.


"Decent work on yesterday's combat training guys." Aizawa said as he placed some papers on his desk as he stood in front of the class. "I saw the video feeds and went over each of your teams work. Bakugo, your talented, so don't sulk like a child about your loss ok. And then both you and Midoriya, try to limit the amount of destruction caused by your attacks."

"Yes sir." The two boys said in unison.

"Lets get down to business then. Your first task will decide your future." Aizawa said as an ominous chill went down the spines of the class. "You all need to pick a class president." Aizawa finished as he started to get his sleeping bag out of his desk.

While he did that, the whole class started to erupt into chaos. Everyone wanted to be the president for god knows why. At least that was what Izuku thought as he summoned the Ace of Spades and started to take it apart on his desk to clean it. 

'This is annoying, being class rep means you get stuck in school and have less free time. Who the hell wants that, I know I just wanna go out and explore most days.' Izuku thought as he had disassembled most of the forwards barrel of the hand cannon and was working on taking the cylinder off.

"Everyone quite!" Izuku heard Iida announce as it even got his attention. "The class representatives duty is to lead others. Its not something just anyone could do. You must first have the trust of every student in the classroom, therefore, the most logical way to fill this position is democratically." Iida said as he had caught the attention of the whole class.

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