An Electric Strike

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"This is nuts, can you imagine how much it cost to build all of these?" Izuku stood in front of a large metal gate with all the other examines as he overheard some of their conversations.

'Seeing as how many people attend this school and some of the staff members, money probably wasn't much of an issue.' Izuku thought as he pulled the Ace out of it's holster to examine its cylinder. 'You said these were armor piercing right Ghost.' Izuku asked through his mental link with Ghost.

'Yes, they shouldn't over-penetrate the bots, but just keep an eye on what's behind your target.' Ghost responded as Izuku holstered the hand cannon and looked up at the other examines.

'No one here looks to nervous, wonder if that's an act or if they are really that confident in themselves.' Izuku thought as he eyed his soon to be competition. 'Well if it isn't the little miss who helped me out near the gate, she looks like she preparing herself.'

"Excuse me, but may I question why you have a firearm on school grounds?" Izuku heard to his left as a hand was placed on his shoulder. He turned to look at the boy as he eyed him up and down.

"Well I didn't think I'd have the honor of meeting the guy with the stick in his ass, of course I should explain to you my gear and give you an advantage over me as we both compete to get into this school." Izuku said sarcastically as he shoved the boys hand off his shoulder and spun to look at him. "You know it's a little rude to interrupt someone who was trying to prepare himself mentally for the upcoming test, how will I out preform you now?"

"You don't look like you are very worried about this upcoming test. Now I will ask again, why do you have a firearm on school grounds?" The boy restated.

"It's a part of my quirk ok." Izuku lied. "Its a tool that helps me, are you saying I shouldn't use a tool to assist me like some of the other students are?" 

"Hey look over there, it's those two from the ceremony earlier, looks like they are going to continue there little scuffle from earlier." One of the examines said. 

"Maybe they will throw each other off their games, meaning that we can get more points." another said as the crowd started to feel lucky.

'I have a feeling that they have written you two off already.' Ghost chirped in Izuku's mind. 'Anyway, Present Mic is looking like he's about to start.'

Izuku looked up to see that the walking boombox had indeed stepped up over the gate and looked like he was about to sound them off. Izuku pulled Ace out of it's holster and started walking to the gate.

"If you wish to talk about how I was rude, I find it remarkably rude to walk away from an unfinished conversation." The boy yelled at Izuku's back. Izuku turned to him and smiled.

"Alright, let's get this show rolling!" Present Mic yelled as the gate was thrown open as Izuku was the only one to immediately sprint through it. "Come on, there are no countdowns to a real fight, get moving go go go!" 

Izuku heard Present Mic yelling at the group as he came across his first team of robots. 'Alright, two 1-points and three 2-pointers.' Izuku thought as he leveled the hand cannon with the first bots respective head and pulled the trigger. 'I need to use this until near the end, I can't sit out for a few minutes on the off hand chance One for All wrecks my body after an accidental discharge.' Izuku thought as he recalled his earlier conversation with All Might.


"I don't feel like anything has changed yet." Izuku said as he looked at his hands. 

"Well of course not," All Might laughed, "Your body has to process the hair first. It should kick in two, maybe three hours." 

Izuku sighed as he turned to look out at the ocean. "I'm getting nervous, like I know that I will pass and that I will do well, but the nerves still are setting in." He said.

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