Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

❤❤❤Aria’s POV❤❤❤

Everyone at the table stared at me in shock.  I could tell they were about to yell, so I shushed them when they opened their mouths.  

“I don’t want anyone to know!” I said in a loud whisper.

“Well you told us.”  Avery looked at me with a sarcastic look on her face.  I rolled my eyes, and finished my sentence.

“Anyone ELSE.”  I corrected myself to make Avery satisfied, knowing this is not the time for an argument.  Eve looked at me scared, sniffling. 

“So that guy was being dragged through a tunnel by a shadowy figure?”  Her eyes got wide.  I carefully nodded. I looked to Avery, and her face went serious.  I never even knew Avery being serious was possible!

“What do you think this means?  Could he be the same person in your dream?” Jess exclaimed just loud enough for us to hear. Before anyone could say anything else, Gavin sat down next to Jess.  Awkwardly huddled together, we slowly leaned back to a normal sitting position.  We greeted him stiffly, still scared from seeing the two boys from my dream.  He just smiles and nods, beginning to eat his breakfast.

“So hows the weather today?”  I looked at all of the girls.  They know this is the code, meaning to meet in the secret room during our free period.  If they would say the weather was nice, they would be coming, but if they said it was probably going to rain, they couldn’t come.  Avery was the first to answer me, “It’s quite nice!”  The other two girls agreed.  Good, they’ll meet me in the room right before lunch, which would be our free period.  The bell rang.

“Gotta go to class!”  I said and jumped up to dump my tray rushing to class. 

➠➠➠Fast forward to free period➠➠➠

(who wants to learn about school when reading a book?x])

We all met in our dorm, waiting for us all to be there before we unveiled our secret room.  ‘Where is Avery?!’ I thought.  Finally she rushed through the door. 

“Sorry I just came from the best classes ever!  Never thought I would ever say that, but first period was math, but my photography class needed me for something and it took the whole period! And the next class was art and art is always awesome! I mean look at this beautiful painting I made!”  She stuck it onto our wall, where she had so many other paintings, photos, and all that kind of stuff.  Eve got excited and jumped around, knocking one of the floor boards to the side, that covered the entrance to our secret room.  I gasped and ran over to lock the door, making sure no one would accidentally walk in.  We looked at each other and nodded once.  Walking down the spiral staircase to the secret room that lay under our dorm, we filed into the room.  The room was a bit bigger than our dorm, with a bookcase, two couches, a coffee table, a mini fridge, a small counter and drawers.  The drawers were where we would put our food and utensils.

We crashed onto our regular spots on the couches, putting our feet on the table.  I noticed a strange looking book on the bookcase that I’ve never seen before.  I sat up straight and pointed towards it.

“Avery, could you take down that book for me please?”  I asked her.

“Sure… I’ve never seen that book before.”  She got up to get it and when she pulled it out, we noticed it had strange markings on it.  Jess looked at us in shock.

“You guys probably won’t believe me, but that says ‘Book Of Secrets’ in Greek.”  She held the book in her hand, tracing the characters with her fingers.  “This is weird, I don’t believe I’ve ever learned Greek.”   She opened the book.  Her shoulders sagged disappointed and confused.  I looked over her shoulder and saw a lock, probably why she seemed confused.  I mean who puts the lock INSIDE a book?  I reached over to take the book and my finger brushed over the lock.  Suddenly, it felt like a brick hit me in the head and I fell to the floor, and the air was knocked out of me.  Then I had a vision of the lock’s numbers moving into place. I gasped for air.

“Guys, I know the combination.”

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