Tetra Elsweir

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Name: Tetra Elsweir Age: 19 Gender: Female D.O.B: June 6th Occupation:Exorcist Teacher Rank:Upper First Class(Tamer) Race: Demon. Blood type: O. Personality: Shrouded in mystery, one quickly learns of Tetra's innate ability to act as if she knows more than what she is letting on. Careful and meticulous, she is like a chess player, always ahead of the game, but she is very cheap when it comes to spending on others. She loves to eat sweets and when she doesn't get her daily dose of them, she gets incredibly grumpy. Weapon(s): Normally, she has small Shuriken to throw at her students when they aren't paying attention, but in battle she has a Black Scythe with skull ornaments hanging off it. Familiar: The four Elementals, Gnome, Salamander, Sylph and Undine. School: Cram School

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