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Name: Sorina




Type: Dragoon and knight

race:half Angel ,half demon

DOB: January 7 

Blood type:B+

Appearance: short,messy light blue hair(so light a shade, its's almost white), Dark gray eyes, has demon fangs and black angel wings. Wears a light blue( more like a robin's egg blue than his hair.) suit jacket, white button-up collared shirt, loosened black tie, black dress pants, black dress shoes. His demon flames are half black and half white, split down the middle.

Personality: Cocky, sarcastic, sassy, loyal, intelligent

backstory: His very existence is a crime in itself. He's a soldier of Heaven itself, and he's as loyal to it as anything could be. He's normally on Heaven-missions to guard people, but he does other important missions in the background.He's been forced to be a student to protect Yukio and make sure he doesn't get killed. 

Weapons: mostly a shotgun, but sometimes uses a sword if he feels like he needs to.

 School: cram school, even though he doesn't need the education.


details: can teleport objects, people and himself around. Also can fly( even though he barely does this.)

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