Kasai Akuma

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Kasai Akuma

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Status: 2 year student, True across Academy

Title: Knight

DOB: Unknown

Personality: Fast-minded, reckless, "one of the guys", creepy, Don't make her angry, if you're good friends she's nice and cute.

Weapons: Katana that holds white fire

Race: White Fire Demon (Satania's daughter. Satania is Satan's sister...IDK)

Blood Type: AB+

Details: Has long dark blue/black curly hair, blue eyes, Wears boys uniform. Satania is her mother and Satan is her uncle. Cousins with Rin. She's a night owl. Her favorite place to go at night is the roof of the school.

School type: Cram school and night school.

Familiar: A snake named Moeru."

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